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When I wake again it's night. The moon is high in the sky filtering through the room, gleaming off the armor that hangs up in the nook. His sword glints.

My body aches, my neck especially. I touch it, with a wince.

Slade's arms are around me. Is he asleep?

I nuzzle into his arms. "Hey, Slade?"
He kisses my head. "Hm?"
"What do you think about pacifists?"
"I don't think anything of them."

I shift. "What if I am one?"

He chuckles. "Are you currently capable of overwhelming and devastating violence?"

I frown. "I don't think so, no."

"Then you cannot choose to be a pacifist because you're already harmless. You must be capable of violence, and make the choice to not act on it, to be considered a pacifist."

I frown but nod. I suppose it makes sense. "God of war Hm?"

"Yes," he stroked my arm.

"And I'm your wife," I whispered. "Your Goddess?"

"Of course my goddess."

I sit up on his chest wincing a bit. His hand pressing onto my back, his forehead on mine.

I smile.

"I watched you," he says softly. "A few days before your wedding day. You kept coming into my temple."

I open my eyes.

"No one has been there in such a long time. I was curious about you. You kept going there, bargaining with me. You said: If this day goes well I'll definitely give you my firstborn."

My cheeks heat. Oh, I did say that. I hide my face in his chest.

"How embarrassing."

He chuckles, shaking me gently.

"It was cute. Your hands wringing as you paced in front of the altar. I got the feeling nothing had gone right for you before. I wanted to change that. I was going to try to bless your marriage."

I scoff. "Good riddance to bad rubbish," I shrug, sitting up a bit. "Got a husband out of it anyway right? Hey, since you're a god of war and I'm your wife shouldn't I know how to fight?"

He raises his brow. "I can teach you."

I look over at his sword. "How to wield a sword too?"

He nods. "Of course."

I look down at myself. "And can I get new clothes?"

"The answer to any request you have is yes," he laughs, pulling me closer. "Because you are my adorable little human." He nuzzles his nose into my hair with a grin.

My lips stretch into a grin. "I told you I'm average-sized, you're just humongous!"

He kissed my head. "Ah, speaking of which,"

He leans over, pulling something from a drawer. It's a small box.

"I had to see someone irritating to get this made, but," he opened the box revealing a gold bracelet and ring.

"I know you want to go back into town. And I would go with you, but..."

He lifts the bracelets, unclasping them. "Even in this human form, I'd only be putting you in danger by going into crowded areas. It'll be simpler," he puts it around my wrists.

"If you have an errand if Po goes with you. This bracelet and ring hold a bit of my divine energy. You still can't stay away from me more than a day outside this temple but it's better than nothing."

I smile touching the bracelet. It's thin and dainty. Beautiful.

"I love it. I'll go get clothes tomorrow..."

"I am a god. I have more money than I know what to do with, don't worry about that. Tomorrow, go into town and get whatever you require."

I smile. "Thanks, Slade."

He smiled softly, pulling me under him once more.

"Other gods and divine beings may be drawn to you. Don't go to anyone else's temple but mine."

Other gods? Why hadn't I thought of that? Of course, if the god of war exists—

"And above all else, if you see the name Orion you avoid it. Do not go near his temples, do not speak his name, do not even think it," Slade warns me harshly. "If you see his name anywhere, close your eyes, and run away as quickly as you can."

"Who is O...Who is it?"

Slade clenched his jaw. "No one you should ever encounter. Rest now. Had I known you wanted to go out tomorrow I wouldn't have been so rough with you."

I yawn, and he pulls the covers over me.

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now