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The King doesn't take me back to his chambers immediately. I'm almost insulted. I'm sent back to my quarters. I pour myself some wine, contemplating how can I make sure this erupts into war.

A breeze floats in through the window. I sigh.

It's nice. A cool breeze on my face. I've been wearing a mask all day. I finally take it off, when I'm alone.

Unfortunately, the only thing under it is a cracked face. I'm broken. Every time I get a moment to myself the memories keep coming back, drowning me.

A growl comes from the window making me stand. There are those eyes. Red burning. Familiar.

I smile sighing. "You again. Come in, come,"

It cocks its head, ducking into the room through the window. I finally see it in the light.

It's larger than the room, its head hitting the ceiling. I glance down before looking away.


He's all black, pitch black, like the night. Red feathers adorn his shoulders, his waists, and then...wings. Encompassing the room almost. I step closer.

"Are you...Slade?"

He looks almost human but his teeth are fangs, his fingers claws. He looks at me, and then at my bracelet.

I smile. "It is you isn't it?"

I hold my wrist up to him. He presses his nose to my bracelet, nudging it.

He folds his wings behind him, sitting down. He stared up at me, his head cocked. Horns... I reach out and touch them.

He bares his teeth at me, snarling.

"I'm so happy..." I whispered. "That you're not gone. Even if you are fucking terrifying. Do you remember me? Can you speak?"

His eyes narrow, looking at my necklace. I touch it.

"You recognize this, don't you? It's your divine energy? That's what you came looking for," I grin. "You gave it to me."

He creeps closer to me, his hair falling into hue eyes. His red eyes burn into my chest.

His claw hooks the necklace, pulling me into his hold. He presses his nose to my hair. He grips me tightly, claws sinking into me, drawing blood. I don't care. At least he's alive.

And he's here. His fangs ghost over my necasas if he can't decide whether to rip my throat out.

"Ah...if you kill me, you'll definitely regret it," I murmur, trying to pull away.

He growls at my attempt, shaking the room. I put my arms around him, hugging him, my face in his chest. His wings shift as I do, his grip loosening a bit.

He gives me another growl but it'half-hearteded.

A laugh escapes me. Maybe I should take this a bit more seriously. My husband, a god was struck down by another god, who lost his mortal form and most of his divine energy, fading away into obscurity, had disappeared.

And now here he is, unable to communicate, looking at me like I'm food.

But it's too funny. The irony...is it irony or is it just?

"I'm so unlucky," I chuckle.

He rumbles, walking around the room. His head brushes the ceiling, as he ducks.

"I'm going to bring you back," I explain as he explores. "By starting a war to give you divine energy. That'll work, right?"

He looks at me, cocking his head as if to ask if I'm talking to him.

I nod. "Yes, you. You're the only one who knows. Unless I made contact with another god–"

He snarls, quickly pinning me down to the floor, biting at my neck.

"Ah...I'm guessing that's a no, huh?"

His eyes narrow. Then he pushes his forehead against mine, closing his eyes.

Mine widen. That's it...any doubt I had is gone. This is Slade. And it doesn't seem he knows who I am.

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now