Bonus chapter

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Zephyr awoke the same way he always did. With a kiss from his mother and the smell of breakfast in the air. The chatter of his siblings at the table, bickering about everything and nothing. He yawned, and stretched, as his mother smiled benevolently down at him, picking him up.

"Good morning, little one," she said softly. Zephyr tucked himself into his mothers neck, still groggy. She bathed him, and dressed him, tugging his shirt, with had his father's symbol on its heart. Then she took his hand, and walked him to breakfast, where his family was waiting.

His father sat at the head of the table, his hair tied back, and a small smile on his face. His brother's and sister's sat round the table. Zephyr raised his arms, reaching for his father.

Slade took his in his arms, pecking his wife on the lips as he did, sitting him on his lap. Monika took her place next to him, as Slade fed him pancakes, bacon and eggs from his enormous plate, allowing Monika to eat in peace. Zephyr put his face in his fathers chest, sleepily opening his mouth when a fork touched his lips.

"Do I have to go to this thing?" Fallon asked, stuffing her face with eggs.

"We are all going to the festival. It's a family affair and Zephyr's first outing so I expect everyone to be on their best behavior," Monika said sternly, primly putting eggs onto her fork.

Slade just nodded resolutely, indicating there was no discussion. Zephyr watched his sister, and his brother's who were speaking in hushed whispers until Solice met his eyes.

He grinned, and waved. Zephyr smiled and leaned forward, reaching out to him.

"Finish eating Zeph," Slade admonished gently, putting the fork to his mouth once more. When he was done, he scurried off his father's lap, nearly tripping. A vine swirled from his mothers hands, quickly catching him, setting him upright, and that patting his head.

"Walk," she said gently, putting her fork down. "Now, Dion about this lady friend—"

Zephyr wandered back to his room, stopping off at a massive door he knew he was not supposed to go into unaccompanied. He stuck his tongue out in concentration, squeezing his eyes shut hard, until a small tree sprouted from the ground, lifting him to the knob. He pulled it, wincing and looking back at the creak the door sounded off when it gave way. When no one came to stop him, he toddled into one of his favorite rooms.

His fathers weapons room. His mouth opened, as he looked around in awe. His father's armor hung behind a glass cabinet, and weapons lined the walls from cursed swords, to nunchucks, to throwing stars. He eyed his favorite, and grew another tree putting his chubby hands against the glass smushing his face against it in longing.

"Wahhh..." he whispered, awestruck. The blade glinted in the light.

If he could just get his hands on it...he was determined. He'd get the sword. He looked down at his fathers symbol on his chest, nodding resolutely. He'd be just like his dad with that sword, for sure. But how to get it out without anyone noticing...

If he broke the glass his father would hear. Hm...

"Now what we have we here?" Zephyr froze smiling up at his father, who's broad arms were crossed against his chest, his brows raised. "You know you're not supposed to come in here."

A vine wrapped around his waist, his mother carrying him out of the room. "My goodness," she floated in worry. "What if he had broken the glass? We need to put a stronger barrier around this room."

Slade sighed, picking Zephyr up. "Nonsense. He wants the sword. I'll let him have the sword."

Slade opened the cabinet, taking out a helmet and the sword that Zephyr wanted, settling the much too large helmet on his head and the sword in his hands. The weight of it, made him drop to the ground, but he giggled.

"Slade! What if he chops off a finger!" Monika shrieked her head touching the ceiling. Slade smiled and pulled her down.

"He'll grow it back, and he'll learn not to come in here. Either way, it's fine." Slade got on his knee, pulling the helmet from over Zephyr's eyes. "So son? What do you think? It's a cursed sword from an old human who had magic. They say the souls of the damned reside in this sword. You like it?"

Monika fainted onto a bed of hastily grown roses.

Zephyr nodded enthusiastically, trying to lift the sword.

"Come now Monika," Slade called. "He's a son of the god of war. Nathaniel was swinging a sword before he was walking. He'll be alright,"

Zephyr giggled and clapped, putting his mouth on the sword. Slade picked him up, settling him on his shoulders, before lifting Monika into his arms.

"Little wife look at him! He's a natural!" Slade chuckled, adjusting the sword in the boy's grip.

Monika took the sword away, stalking out of the room.  "He is a toddler!"

Slade looked up at his son and shrugged. "Sorry little one. Mommy's rules stand. I tried," he shrugged, walking out and locking the door behind him.

Zephyr sighed heavily, and rested his hand on his elbow which rested on his fathers head as he got further and further away from the door. Still, as the barrier closed, he snuck a tendril inside hoping to go back and see what else he could play with.

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