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I look up at the house. Familiarity rips a smile from my face.

I glance up at Slade. "How long do I have before I have to touch you again?"

"1 hour," he gruffed. "Call for me. I'll be here."

I look ahead and Slade disappears. Raising my hand, I pause before knocking. The door swings open. Matthew drops the cup in his hand stumbling back. I smile.

"May I come in?"

I don't wait for an answer, walking past him. He stumbled to the ground, fumbling over his words. I would too if I saw the woman I murdered in cold blood alive and well.

"How's your girlfriend? Have you two set a date?"

"It can't be...Monika...it can't be...I...in the temple you..."

"Yes," I nod. "I remember. I was there." I sit down swallowing. It looks the same. Then I realize...my presence was never strong in this house.

I didn't add to the decor or redecorate. As a bad omen, I tried my best to make myself small. And now, he cowers before me.

"How..." Mathew stands, smiling, putting his hand on mine. "I looked all over for you. Do you know? I'm so glad you're alright."

I lift my eyes to his. "Are you?"

"Yes!" He answered hurriedly. "Yes of course. I'm not sure how that wine went bad but I looked everywhere for a cure for you Monika." He chuckles uneasily, running his hands through his dark hair.

I don't know what I expected. Maybe I thought...seeing him would make this real. Maybe I wanted to see him cower in fear.

"W-Where have you been?" He looks over me.

My hair is tied up with a hairpin. All Slade provides are silky flowing red dresses. I look down.

Surely he's not lusting after a woman he left for dead? But of course, he is. He's shameless.

"Shame on you," I whisper, standing.

"What?" He frowns.

I sit, with a sigh. Somehow, this isn't satisfying.

"I've been in an estate north of here," I say. "With a man...well...Slade?"

He appears beside me, taking my hand. "This is my...husband. Slade."

Matthew's eyes widen. He stumbles back. "G-Ghost."

Slade looks down at me. "You know what I came to do. Are you saying...you're alright with that?"

I nod. "It's fine, Slade. He's only human, after all. Right?"

His lips turn up.

"M-Monika! It wasn't my idea really—"

Slade picks him up by his throat. I hold my head, glancing away, as he twists his head at an unnatural angle, leaving a deafening, sickening crack to echo in the air.

Slade throws his body against the wall like a rag doll.

He smiles. "Things have been put right."
I inhale. "Why did you do that?"
Slade frowned. "You said..."

"No I mean...why? Why did you want to kill him in the first place?"

Slade paused. "He hurt you."

A smile spreads on my face. I stand, offering my hand. He takes it, hesitantly.

"Then can we go home now?"

Slade nods. "Yes, little wife. If you are satisfied we can go home now."

• • •

A breeze blows by as we ride back to the estate. The silence between us is awkward but not entirely unpleasant.

I lean my head on his shoulder. He lets out a sharp breath.

"Is my hand in the wrong place again," he murmurs, moving his hand from my waist to my throat.

"Is this better?"

His thumb strokes my pulse. This same hand was in this same spot...and he killed him. He snapped his neck.

Now it's firm but gentle. I'm different. I'm not a bad omen to him.

How could a human be a bad omen to a god?

"Yes...I like this too." I whispered.

"Go to sleep. We will arrive home soon."

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now