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He's brooding again. Slade gets into moods having Holjin rewind memories with his brow furrowed, his feathers twitching.

"Run it again," he murmurs.
"I'm running low on divine energy, Master."
Slade shoots him a glare. "You're going to be running low on oxygen. Run it again."

I stand at the edge of the bathroom. "What are you looking at?"

He clenches his jaw. "I asked Holjin if he had a record of what happened to me.  I kept wondering...if I am a god...where did I go?"

No. My stomach turns. Dion turns around. "Gotta go—"

"Stop." Slade orders. Dion freezes.

"You are my child remember?" God jaw rocks as he watches himself be sprayed over and over again.

"Turn that off," I instruct Holjin quietly.

Slade looks at him. Hilton shakes, looking at new helplessly, silently begging me to intervene.

"When was someone going to tell me?"

I swallow. "I didn't want to...think about it. Talk about it. I'm sorry I was gonna fix it and you'd remember on your own."

His jaw ticks, his claws clicking on the wall next to the bed. Anger is radiating off him in waves. I shift. He's never been angry at me. I've decided I don't like it.

"Fix it...by fucking the King?"

I purse my lips. He's almost back to himself. Which is too quick. He's sharp as a whip.

"Killing," I add. "Mainly killing. Focus on the killing part. We all love killing, yay!" I elbow Dion.

"Yay," he adds flatly.

I raise my brows. "Yes?"

Slade stands. "No. You are to cease this. Now. I don't want you within an arm's length of that king guy. And not your arm. Mine."


"You've been letting this happen?" Slade glares at Dion. "I have to think I raised you better."

"Don't blame Dion. He can't control me."

Slade's form towers over mine, red eyes narrowing as if locking on to me. It glows down at me.

"Monika, you will not interact with that man again. This is over."

"I have to get your memories back. Slade, I thought you were dead I'm doing this for us, baby,"

His hands stretch out before I know what's happening I'm in the air, he's holding me up, his wings stretching out, knocking over everything.

"Monika, this was not a suggestion. You are not a Queen. You are a Goddess. My Goddess. I am a god of war. I don't require anyone to make war for me."

I swallow roughly. My head brushes the ceiling.

"Slade...put me down."

He growls. "So you insist, little wife?"

Despite the situation, my heart flutters at the term. His little wife. He doesn't say it with any demeaning lilt. It's endearing.

My little wife.

It's always warm, even when he's angry.

"I need to see this through. I won't let him touch me. I swear."

My legs wrap around his waist. He looks at me. Dion has faded to the background. Slade puts his forehead against mine.

"I don't know...what happened to me. Where I've been. I don't remember anything. But you are mine. That is my son. That's all I have right now. It can't change."

I nod, pressing my forehead closer to his. "I'm yours. I'm doing this for you. I'm going to give you your memories back. Your powers. I'll get your form back. I'll fix you."

His hand strokes my hair gently. His brows dip, as he presses closer to me.

His lips touch mine, roughly, claiming me, his hands holding my hair, pushing me closer and closer still.

My stomach starts tightening. It's been so long since we've been this close. I press myself into his body.

"Slade," I murmur. "Slade, I miss you."

He says nothing, but he hugs me tighter. I like to think he doesn't remember, but maybe, part of him does. Some part.

"Monika." He pressed his lips against my forehead, "I'm here now."

"He could come back," I whispered. "You need war to be strong, for your powers. For your safety. I don't want you to get hurt again."

He nods. He carries me to the bed. I sit in his lap, feeling him twitch under me. I'm scared of it. It's even larger than before. But I want to be close to him.

He doesn't try. Doesn't push. Doesn't even suggest. He just holds me close. I look up at him. "Do you want..."

He cocks his head, shifting his hips, pressing up into me.

"I always want you," He groaned. "But you're...so small. I don't want to break you, little wife."

I smile. "I like when you call me little wife,"

He smiles back, kissing my head.

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Bride of War (18+)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin