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Getting the void is not tricky when there's a summit happening. All you have to do is close your eyes, and go.

While the void is technically where gods go to die, it's also where gods come from. A point in space and time where nothing really exists, and hence can be made into anything.

Right now it's a glorious temple, in the middle of the day. But as the name suggests nothing is truly here. Except us. I enter the temple, looking around.


I frown. And here we go.

"Orion, stop calling me that. I am not your brother, you despicable excuse for a god."

He just grins. "You're so heavy handed with your insults. Come, come, we were just discussing when you'd arrive."

I sigh. Youin, who's typically neutral, nods at me.


I sigh. "Hello Youin. How is the sea treating you?"

"Well, as always. I pity you two, who have to deal with humans," he remarks, his blue hair dragging along the ground, his gills opening as he approaches me.

I presume my godly form. My heart has stopped beating. As long as I am not around Monika, I don't have to worry about-

He takes my hand, taking his godly form as well. Orion, ever the follower, does too.

My black skin contrasts Youin blue, as we shake hands, holding each other forearms in greeting.

"I know this summit is about a sensitive matter, but I only have respect for you," Youin murmurs.

"Your well wishes fill me with pride, Youin. You have my respect as well,"

Orion is white, his eyes gold in his godly form. He is the picture of what humans think of angels, his hair white as well, carved as if in marble.

I look down at my hands. It's been a while since I assumed this form. Monika says this form is beautiful, that the white dots on my skin remind of her stars.

I smile. Monika...

Youin frowns. "Whatever you are doing, stop. You...have a heart beat. Don't...give them more to condemn you with."

I nod sharply. Shit. I can't think about her. I can't think about her at all.

• • •

There are many gods. Most aren't worshiped by humans, as they do tasks that support Earth's function.

Ire turns the earth at just the right speed. Kalech warms the sun eternally, stoking the fire to ensure it never goes out.

Fringilla is a goddess of plants, and she despises humans most of all. They trod on her subjects, and she finds it despicable.

She likes me, because of what I am.

Orion is Humanity's good will. At least that he purports. I don't know what Orion does. For someone meant to be the paragon of goodwill he doesn't seem to truly possess any.

Then again, I am also a walking contradiction of all I'm supposed to stand for.

We are the most influential. Myself, Youin and Orion.

Normally we'd settle this among ourselves, but unfortunately, Orion is not impartial.

"Is everyone here?" Orion calls? We settle into seats, name tags appearing in front of us.

I scoff. He would really play the king among gods?

"We are here for one reason," Orion smiles. "And is because Slade has lost his purpose in the balance."

Heh. He's not wrong about one thing. I have lost sight of my purpose. And he, he has lost sight of it too.

"He has forgotten his true name. He has forgotten his true form, and worse still, it seems he's forgotten he is a god. His heart beats."

I say nothing. Gasps erupt. Fringilla stared at me, cocking her head. I look away.

"Even worse still, he has made humans immortal and given them power, which is, as you all know forbidden by the Balance."

I clench my jaw.

"Anything to say for yourself?" Orion smirks.

I raise my brows. "This is an unnecessary waste of time. The fact that I am alive, and can access the void means that the balance still requires me. I don't answer to a summit, I answer the Balance itself and until and unless it wipes me from existence there's nothing you can do to me."

I tap my fingers. How is Monika?

"However, I accepted this invitation, because I have some questions of my own. Like...Orion? What is it, did you say, you were god of?"

He looks around. "Ah...humanities good will."

I smile. "Yeah...I think that's a lie, Orion. And I am very interested to getting to the truth of that matter."

Youin frowns, as the gods erupt once more into murmurs. His eyes glow at me, as he glowers, his fist clenching.

I smile. I have sustained this war for 100 years. Even if my body was flesh, and my heart beat louder than a lions roar, I am stronger than him.

Unless, or course, he's lying about what he truly is.

After all, how much goodwill is really in the hearts of humanity when the whole world is at war?

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