🦋Do you want me to live or die ?🦋

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" Where's mom ? " Hassan asked as soon as he got in.

" She's staying at a friend today " Said Aida trying to figure out why Hassan looked so stressed.

" As expected from her ! She causes trouble and then leaves ! " Hassan said way too tired too even care. He went up to his room to try and get his head to stop hurting and his heart to stop worrying.

Everything was going to go well at last that's what he's been trying to tell himself.

His mother was going to come home, they were going to have a conversation wich will end well and where she will end up accepting Elmas.

Who was he kidding? He knew damn well that was just a scenario he made in his head so he could feel beter.

Instand he knew exactly what was going to hapen.

She was going to get home, act like she did nothing. He was going to do all the talking while she will refuse it till the end and he was going to lose Elmas.

He knew it deep in his heart that his mother was not going to let him become happy.

As if he hadn't fought enough till now he will have to fight more to be able to end with her ?

But in what consequences ? Having Elmas but hurting her and her family at the same time ? It would be a miracle if she accepted that when she could have a perfect husband waiting for her somewhere else.

He knew deep down that he would have to let her go for her best.

Because his mother was not going to let it happen and he refused to hurt the one who was his everything.

But he hoped because that's the least he could do to appease his hurting heart.

He put his trust in Allah because he was the only one who could help him in this Dunya.

Because he was the one who planed the best for every single person on this planet he created....

He just hoped that the best for him included Elmas in it.

Sighing he showered, took a sleeping pill because he knew he going to get no sleep without it and went to bed waiting for the effect.

Mentally too tired to think further.


The next morning he got ready for work and went downstairs.

Seing his mother alone he thought it was the best moment to talk.

Taking the paper Hussein gave him, he placed them harshly on the kitchen counter " What is this ? "

" I don't know you tell me " She said in a calm voice.

" Mom I beg you what are you trying to do ? Why are these paper being sent to innocent people ? " He asked desperate for an answer.

" Son those were inevitable, someone would have bought that place anyways I just happened to find it 1st ! "

" Mom please "

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