🦋 Hurt 🦋

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It was actually 7:15 am and Hassan was still slepping .

Hee was too busy thinking about Elmas last night that he forgot to set his alarm,  he had had an important meeting for the company today but here he was sleeping peacefully...

Mohammed was already at the company, any normal sibling would have woken up his brother especially if they work at the same place but like always for him Hassan's life was none of his business, for him Hassan was not a kids anymore and as a grown men he should be more responsable...

It wasn't a big deal but for Mohammed it was especially if the action was done by Hassan....

Aida , their sister had just woken up and saw Mohammed leaving without Hassan...like always, she first tought that Hassan was just getting ready in his room but after 20 minutes she decided to go see what he was doing, he was going to be late and she didn't want her two brothers fighting....

Aida, 23 years old had long hair and unlike everyone else in the familly she had green eyes. She was a good sister, always trying to be positive and helping others and altought Hassan was sometimes going crazy because of her he loved her with all his heart...she was the only one who didn't really blame him fo any past events....

She didn't even care about the fact that her brother may be dressing up or something else and got into the room without knocking.

" Omg Hassan wath the hell !!!! get up ! now !!! " she shouted when she saw Hassan laying in his bed comfortably.

" mmmhhh "

" I swear to god Hassan if you don't wake up i will jump on you ! "

Seing her brother doing nothing she jumped on him .

" You will be late Hassan and Mohammed will kill you ! "

Hearing the name of his brother he immediatly got up .

" What !? What do you mean !? " he said .

" You have a meeting in exactly 30 minute and you're sleeping !? Are you serious ! I can't believe you !!! " she screamed .

" Oh shut up Aida ! you're giving me a headache... please stop screaming at me..." he said touching his head trying to understand what's happening around him...he was woken up too sudently .

" It's you fault not mine, now go get ready...." she said in a small voice.

He didn't respond back and got into the bathroom to get a shower.

His sister started to feel a litle bad for waking him up this way and screaming at him. She didn't mean too but seing him still sleeping made her panicked, Hassan was never late and she knew how her oldest brother....Mohammed would make a scene for it....even if it was Hassan first time being late, her oldest brother was just waiting for any sort of mistake made by Hassan, this way he could just get angry at him.

And she didn't want that....Hassan was already to much hurt by him, and she couldn't bare to see him blaming himself for something he didn't do .

She got out of his room looking for medicine and a glass of water in the kitchen and came back to his room, there he was in front of the mirror trying to put on his tie and seing him struggling she smiled at the scene.

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