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For those who were completely confused about the last chapter and how the wedding went.

So I'm not Turkish but my traditions and cultures is practically the same.

So I had no choice but to use it so I wouldn't make a mistake and offend people.

But once again I'm not turkish so there's still may be a few stuff that are diferent.

Also you don't have to imagine them as Turkish. Just emagine their nationality as what you thought they were from the beginning, if it's beter for you.

In my last chapter at some point I'm explained how the engagement went and said that coffee was drank and red string was cut.

Also red ribbon was tight around her.

In Turkish culture once both the groom and bride agreed there's this pre-engagement ceremony.

Normally it is this day that they choose to say yes but Elmas and Hassan already knew each other .

Turkish coffee meaning :

Were all Family meet and and were the date for the mariage will be talked about.

Groom comes with chocolates as gift and that day the brige will have to prepare a cup of Turkish cofee for the groom. In it she will be puting whatever she wants, from salt to hot spices.

She will have to do it with care and bring it in a special tray, it means moving towards a friendship. If it spell it mean breaking the bond but it's funny and not that serious as it seems.

Now once the groom drink it, his tolerance will be evaluated.

He should be firm,and not shake. The sour face is still okay. Because if he does these stuff it mean he is still not ready and it means some other's stuff.

Then the bride will have to choose him or not. Of course Elmas said yes again.

This is kinda a tradition were the bride decided is she is interested in him or not. Most of the time it is with laughter.

Red string cut :

May bounds be forever

Red ribbon :

I said that a red ribbon was put around her waist 3 time before the actually closed it.

It shows the brides virginity and represent that she is diligent and powerful.

It mean that until now she was under father's care but now she will built her own familly. And be given under her husband's care.

In the pre-Ceremenomy normally it's just a simply to tell their choice but I decide to make it all in one day and make their engagement as well.

Anyways I think I explained eveything if there's still confusion ask.
And if I made mistakes explain to me calmly 😊

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