🦋 Lying 🦋

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The father had been so happy about his daughter pregnancy that he had cried tears of happiness. Realising only now that his once small girl had grown up to be a mother on her own.

While Elmas was super embarrassed as she stood there silent, she was glad that she was left by herself after some time.

She needed to be alone.

Was she even ready to be a mother ?

To be honest she didn't plan on having children this early and abortion was a big no.

She wouldn't dare do this to her husband and honestly speaking even if it was still early she still could feel the happiness in the deep of her heart.

Knowing how Hassan was going to be happy made her excited.

They had talked about having children many times in the past and now it was going to become a reality.

Sighing she watched her phone beside her, not knowing if she should call him and tell him now or wait.

The thing was that she didn't want to go home yet, she wanted to make sure Hassan understood that what he had done was wrong.

She also, as much as she hated to admit it, liked beter being away from all the stress. It was just so much easier being a simple daughter, having parents that took care of you and not having to worry about anything.

She loved Hassan she really did.
But saying that being a wife was easy would be a lie and she was sure it wasn't just herself that feel that.

Probably all girl that got married could feel the diference and hate it a litle. They would in the end come to accept it and get used to it. It was just that Elmas needed litle bit more time that the others that's all.

Having someone by your side all the time. Sharing things you never did before, from having to talk to not cause misunderstanding to being there for your partner. Living in a big house and making your part, living with strangers somehow as well.

Too much at one time.
She was not used to it and it ended being overwhelming for her, she only made it worse by not talking to her husband.

It was not a big deal. It was just a big changes and Elmas was used to have a simple life with a simple routine.

So after thinking some more she made her decision. She was going to wait a few more days and then tell him and go home again.

She put her phone at the side and layed down as she felt herself geting hungry...again.

She wanted to eat but she would just throw up after a an hour at most.

And she hated vomiting.

So she decided to close her eyes and sleep instead.


It has been almost a four weeks since he last saw his wife and he felt like going crazy.

He didn't think it would affect him this much but it did.

He tried his best to not call her too much and texted her everyday instead.

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