🦋 Don't cry 🦋

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Hassan could clearly tell that Elmas was nervous.

Walking beside her brother she took small step slowly approaching Hassan while trying to figure out his expression behind the car window.

But Hassan wouldn't show her anything.

Because he told himself seconds before that if he appeared to be cold it would make it easier for her to let it go.

She took the seat behind while Hussein the passenger seat.

Why did he want to talk in the car ? So no one could hear their conversation nor wonder why they were even together...so their interactions could be forgotten by everyone and Elmas could have a new start with someone else.

You see one small mistake and people could talk, especially about Elmas since she was a girl...
Yes people had nothing beter to do than talk behind people's back and make rumours.

Not only people around her neighborhood but there could be paparazzi around somewhere who could follow him.

It did not happen often to be honest but he remember not wanting to show his face as one of the youngest COO in the world only to find days later all sort of journal about how handsome young and rich he was...

That had brought bad people attention towards him...from people thinking he was young so dumb and tried to become " Friend " to girl throwing themselves into him.

When he once made it clear that he wasn't planning on geting married yet and that dating wasn't something he did, the girl didn't really stop instand thought that marrying was even a beter idea...

So they tried to seduce him wich lead to Hassan once again saying that he wouldn't get maried yet.
It then fortunately stoped when the girl saw that their effort was worthless.

And he did not want to put her through that type of stuff, where people her parents knew would talk and where she would be exposed to the world were hate was waiting to get out of people mouth.
Forgetting everything was a beter choice.

" Here " Hassan finally said giving Hussein the final contract.

" Everything was cancelled
" He said trying hard not to look at Elmas behind who was waiting to be noticed.

" I'm sorry..." He thought.

" Thanks" Hussein said going over the paper to check everything.

" You shouldn't thank me it was caused by my fault "

" It wasn't your fault "
He heard Elmas say behind.

Hassan decided to ignore her again and instand watched out of the window to his left.
The sun had completely disappeared leaving behind in the sky a dark blue.

Elmas didn't understand why he was acting like this so kept on trying to figure out his thoughts, but it was easier said than done.

" Sorry about the punch the other day...." Hussein said.

" I wasn't thinking straight..." He went on " Its okay, I understand " Was the answer Hassan gave him.

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