3: The Warning

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Percy POV

"Bro, are you sure that you want this job? I didn't want to say it in front of Thalia, but I've heard bad things about the boss," Jason expressed. 

"It can't be that bad. Thalia recommended the job."

"The boss's last five secretaries quit. They couldn't deal with the strict rules and stringent demands. Everyone's saying that the boss is horrible." 

"I don't have many other options," I replied. 

Ever since I decided to interview for a secretary position at Olympus Architecture, several of my friends were calling me with grave warnings. It was strange that so many people were against me taking this job. 

I was driving to the hospital to visit Tyson. Hestia and Tyson went ahead of time. I had to leave Estelle at our neighbor's before joining them. He was having a checkup since his chemotherapy will start in a couple of days. 

"I don't want the job to be too much stress for you, especially since you're already dealing with a lot of stress."

"It's fine, Jason. I'll (at least) attend the interview," I responded. "Besides, Thalia gave a personal recommendation on my behalf. She'd kill me if I wasted it." 

"That is so true," Jason chuckled. 

"Anyway, how's your crush on Piper going?" I asked with a smirk. I turned the corner and drove into the hospital parking lot. Many cars were bustling around. 

Jason groaned. "Not so good. She doesn't even know me." 

"That's true," I laughed. "However, you need to talk to her if you want her to know you. It's your fault for not growing some balls and talking to her, bro." 

"It's harder than you think." 

"NO, IT'S NOT," I exclaimed. "Just call her, and say hi." 

Piper McLean was my friend first. I introduced Piper and Jason at a cocktail party a few months back. Ever since then, Jason was head over heels for her. Of course, Jason is not the smoothest with girls. 

Generally speaking, that's my forte. 

"Can't you host a party with our friends and invite her?" Jason asked. "That way I can have a reason to interact with her." 

"I'm NOT hosting a party just to give you the possibility of talking to your crush. Jason, this isn't high school. GROW UP AND BE A MAN." 

I finally found a parking spot and turned off the engine. I held the phone to my ear and got out of the car. I don't like coming to the hospital. Based on personal experience, It's a place where bad things happen. For example, it's where I lost my parents, Sally and Paul. 

"Ugh, why can't I be smoother with the women?" Jason grumbled. 

"Everyone has their flaws, bro," I replied while smirking. "Anyway, I'm at the hospital, so I'll call you later." 

"Okay. Say hi to Tyson for me," Jason stated. "Also, please reconsider about the job. The boss (your future boss) has a really bad rep." 

"It's fine, Jason. Will do," I said before hanging up. 

I pushed the phone into my pocket before walking into the hospital. It was a big hospital with a bunch of shiny machines. I was glad that Tyson was receiving treatment at a facility like this. 

The pediatric oncology department is on the second floor. Dr. Apollo's office is also located there, and that's where I'm heading. 

Tyson was getting his measurement when I came into Dr. Apollo's office. Hestia was getting more information about cancer from Dr. Apollo. My little brother wasn't paying them any attention; he was just doing what the doctor was asking. 

The Boss of MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora