9: The Hate

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Percy POV

I hate my boss. She's the worst. 

I know that a lot of people hate their bosses. Now, I am understanding why. Annabeth Chase lives to scare or intimidate her employees. Ever since the car wash incident, I kept my interactions with her to a minimum. However, that's easier said than done since I am her secretary. 

Regardless, I stayed out of her way unless I was called. I still had to organize her meetings and process files. However, I did it on my own and informed her later. 

I thought that she would have it out for me since I told her off last week. Surprisingly, she ignored the incident and moved on as if it never happened. 

"Wait, Percy, you yelled at our boss?" Silena asked. 

"Yes, I did. I was just pissed off and slightly embarrassed. Besides, she deserves it for being such a mean, horrible-"

"PERCY JACKSON. Come into my office now," a voice commanded from behind. I turned around to see Annabeth standing in the doorway. I've never seen her come to the break room, yet here she was. She heard everything that I just said. 

She stormed back to her office. The weight of her heels clicking on the floor indicated that she was angry. Why wouldn't she be? 

"Percy, you have the worst luck," Katie expressed sympathetically. 

"I'm surprised she hasn't fired you yet. I mean, you're pretty vocal about how you feel. But again, the boss probably doesn't care about your feelings," Silena continued. 

"I feel like she's not firing me just to torture me," I stated. I got up from the table and walked towards the doorway. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck," they cooed. 

Ms. Chase was waiting for me in her office. Her arms were crossed as she sat in her leather chair. She wasn't doing anything except watching my movements. I walked towards her desk and sat down in the guest chair in front of her. 

Her stormy gray eyes gazed into my soul. I shifted uncomfortably; we both knew how I felt about her. She repeatedly interrupted my life. Annabeth didn't hesitate to give me extra work that would force me to spend more time at work. She interrupted my date with Calypso. She made me wash her car because I was late one time. 

I just don't appreciate her whatsoever. 

"You wanted to see me?" I finally asked. She wasn't speaking, so I guess I could start the conversation. The faster we get through this, the sooner I can leave. 

"Nothing gets past me, Mr. Jackson. I know exactly what you and all my other employees are saying about me." Her eyes narrowed on mine. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm not lying or anything. Just expressing my feelings." 

"Well, I don't want your feelings in the workplace. How you feel about me is not going to influence the work that is done at Olympus Architecture. It's shameful that you feel the need to trash-talk me behind my back." 

I sat quietly even though my hands were enclosed into fists on my lap. A part of me felt guilty while another part was mad. So, now, I couldn't even talk about her to other people. 

What does she want from me? 

"Let's cut to the chase, Ms. Chase. We don't like each other. Why don't you just fire me and put us out of our misery?" I acknowledged. 

"I'm not going to fire you." 

"Why not?"

"Because I like you," Annabeth said simply. 

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