24: The Choices

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Percy POV

"HOW DARE YOU TRY TO DATE MY DAUGHTER?" Athena spat venomously. 

Octavian's infuriating smile grew more while he gazed at me. I had no idea how he found out, but I was confident that he told everyone else in this room. I closed the door behind me and walked toward the group. 

"Annabeth and I don't need anyone's input about our relationship. We're happy together," I said firmly.

"You're a distraction, and I won't have it," Athena countered. 

The air in the room was thick with tension. I was near the center of the room, and everyone's angry stares pierced from all around. 

"My daughter will NOT associate with the bastard son of Poseidon. Annabeth and you are not meant to be."

"Relax, Athena. That's why we're here," Poseidon affirmed. He stomped next to me and pulled me into the chairs across the desk. Athena was right in front of me, and her glare felt like knives against my skin. Poseidon took the seat next to me, effectively kicking Octavian into a standing position. 

"Here's the deal, Perseus. You are committed to Rachel Elizabeth Dare. You will not be dating any other woman because you will marry Rachel. Am I clear?" Poseidon asked. 

"NO. NO WAY. Why would I listen to you?"

"You'll listen to him if you care about Annabeth Chase," Mr. Damien Dare spoke up. "You may not have grown up in the business world, but you must know enough about it."

Mr. Dare and Rachel approached the desk. I watched Rachel from the corners of my eyes. Her head was downcast, and she seemed helpless. I don't want to blame Rachel for the situation because she's stuck just like me. 

"Titan Industries is growing in power. The only way to solidify Olympus's dominance is through a union between Olympus and Dare," Mr. Dare continued. "Of course, Poseidon, the deal is off if you can't uphold your end of the bargain."

"I don't intend on backing down. The union will proceed, Damien." 

"NO, IT WON'T," I snapped while rising to my feet. My hands clenched into fists as I separated myself from them. "I don't care that you found out about Annabeth and me. I am not betraying my relationship with her. I don't care what you do to me."

Poseidon started chuckling in a very sarcastic way. I hate him. 

"Perseus, no one will do anything to you. However, exposing your relationship will greatly damage Annabeth Chase's reputation. She might even lose her company," Poseidon explained. 

My gaze flitted to Athena. 

"Why would Athena let that happen?" I asked logically. 

Athena smiled while continuing to glare at me. "First of all, anything is better than my daughter associating with you. My company will not mesh with Olympus Sails. Secondly, I would simply have my daughter transferred to the international HQ in Tokyo." 

"You can't do that," I protested. "Annabeth loves her company here. She works very hard for success, and she cares for her employees." 

"Third, I believe you'll do the right thing," Athena finished. 

Poseidon snapped his fingers at Octavian, who immediately stepped forward with an IPad. There were a few pictures open on the tablet. My father handed me the tablet. 

My eyes widened while looking at the pictures. There were a few pictures all from the same day. It showed me and Annabeth kissing near her desk. Annabeth was holding a copy of my novel. It was from her birthday. I couldn't help myself from kissing her that day because I was so happy about my novel's publication and my relationship. 

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