7: The Club

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Percy POV

I never thought that I'd see Annabeth Chase at a party. Yet, there she was at the club. 

We were celebrating Silena's 27th birthday party. Charles planned a surprise party for his girlfriend, which was very sweet. I watched as they kissed on the podium. Silena was so happy, but it was obvious that she knew about the party. 

Silena told me at work yesterday that she knew everything. Of course, I couldn't deny it because lying to Silena is useless. She simply knew everyone's truths. 

I couldn't quite enjoy the party. 

My boss's presence made me hyperaware of everything that I was doing. I felt like every movement and drink was getting critiqued. 

"Bro, will you loosen up? You're usually the life of the party. Is everything all right? Is Tyson okay?" Jason asked with concern. 

"Everything's fine at home. Well, it's the same," I paused. My eyes narrowed on the blonde who was sitting at the bar island. She was drinking a cosmo very slowly. Thalia and Piper were chatting with her casually. 

The whole club was reserved for our party. Charles and Silena have a lot of friends, especially since Charles is a major-league baseball player. A lot of people were dancing on the floor. Normally, I'd be dancing too, but Annabeth was here. So, Jason and I were sitting at a table near the bar. 

"My boss is here," I whispered while leaning forward. 

The music was blaring, but Jason smirked at me. "I never thought that you'd be so self-cautious. You usually don't care."

"I know, but you can't risk it with Annabeth Chase." 

"Oh, come on, Perce. You're off the clock. You've been working very hard at work, and you need to relax and have fun." 

"That's easy for you to say. You cannot get fired."

That was true. Jason held a high position at Olympus Airlines, so he does the firing. Furthermore, his dad owns the company, so no one can mess with Jason Grace. They were powerful individuals. 

The whole Olympus family is powerful. While I am a part of the family, I have no control since my father doesn't care about me, Tyson, or Estelle. 

"Mr. Jackson, I need to talk to you," her voice rang out. 

I yelped while looking up at my boss. I hadn't even seen her walking over to me. I had no clue why she was talking to me when we weren't working. Annabeth Chase was dressed in jeans and a pretty purple sweater. I've never seen her in casual clothes before today. 

Surprisingly, I'd never seen her before working for her. Considering she was friends with a lot of my friends, that was a big surprise. However, maybe, I just didn't notice her. 

I stood up and followed her to a lone corner of the club.

She crossed her arms as I waited for her to talk. 

"Percy, you do realize that we're off the clock, right?" she asked seriously. "You don't need to keep up a professional facade because of me." 

"Um, I'm different outside of work. I wasn't sure how you would react to that," I expressed honestly. 

"Well, I don't care what you do outside of work," Annabeth said firmly. "Anyway, why don't you give me an example of what you'd do here if I wasn't present?" 

"I'd probably get drunk," I half-joked. 

Her eyes narrowed on my face. I almost shrunk away from her glare. I couldn't tell if she was mad at me because her face always looked like that towards me. That was her resting boss face.  

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