27: The Pursuit

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Percy POV

"Percy, you do know that this is a publicity stunt, right?" Rachel asked gently. She was wearing a green sundress and light makeup. 

I nodded while taking a sip of water. 

I was so accustomed to her red lipstick highlighting her freckles that her good looks didn't even bother me. Furthermore, I wasn't interested in Rachel, so I couldn't be attracted to her. The only person I love is Annabeth. 

We were sitting in Persephone's restaurant. Various bouquets were spread around the restaurant. Persephone loves having flowers in her eatery. 

This was a high-end restaurant. It was one of the best fine dining places in the city. Usually, I wouldn't be able to afford a place like this. However, I have lots of money now from my book sales, so it's all right.

"Then, why did you agree to this?" Rachel asked. 

"I accepted for the same reason that you did. There wasn't a choice," I replied. 

The 'date' was almost over, and we were waiting for dessert. Essentially, Poseidon and Mr. Dare set up a date for me and Rachel, and I couldn't say no. Hermes's reporters already got a few pictures of us for the tabloids. They were trying to publicly solidify Rachel's and my union. 

Rachel sighed while drinking some more wine. This was already her third glass of wine. I knew that she was nervous all night long. 

I'm not angry with her though. Rachel was stuck just like me. 

"I'm not mad at you, Rachel. I know how our fathers can be. They left us in a situation where we can't reject anything they ask," I said firmly. 

"I'm glad that you understand, Percy. I'm just angry is all. I hate that our history is partly responsible for your breakup with Annabeth. I know how much you like her," Rachel responded sincerely. 

I appreciated Rachel's support. She wasn't making this awkward. She was being a friend, and that's it. Whether she likes me or not is beside the point because Rachel respects that I have feelings for someone else. She'd never try to break that bond. 

Finally, the chocolate cake arrived for us to share. 

I started slicing the cake before serving Rachel a modest piece. I took the other half and started eating. 

"Does it bother you that I have feelings for Annabeth?" I asked quietly. 

"No, Percy. You have every right to love someone other than me. Our union is a business deal, and nothing more."

"So, what do you suggest we do?" 

 She shrugged in response while setting her utensils down. Rachel paused eating her delicious cake and looked into my face. I fixed my blazer after finishing my piece. I felt bad that she was stuck in the situation with me. 

Rachel doesn't deserve this. Her father was making her become a businesswoman rather than an artist. Furthermore, she's being forced to date someone who will never love her back. 

That's the truth. I'll never love Rachel again. 

My loyalty and connection only reside with Annabeth Chase. 

"Rachel, I don't understand why this is so important for our fathers. They have one of the most lucrative business empires in the world," I expressed.

"They want to combine their empires. They want Dare and Olympus to become one powerful economic entity."

"But, why?" I asked. 

Rachel's eyes sparkled while she studied me. I felt like Rachel knew more about the business world since she was in it. "You don't keep up with the news, do you?" 

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