23: The Secret

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Percy POV

"Ms. Chase, may I come in?" I asked politely. 

Annabeth smiled while waving me into her office. She was wearing a new dress today. I'd never seen it before, and I understood why she was wearing something new. It was her birthday, and she seemed to be in a very good mood. 

I closed the door and locked it behind me just in case. My right hand stayed behind me to block the present from Annabeth's gaze. 

"Do you have the documents from Amazonian? We will be starting the renovations for Hades's company very soon," Annabeth expressed. 

"Yup. I got them right here," I said while waving a folder with my left hand. 

I walked behind her desk and placed them on her table. Then, I planted a gentle kiss on her lips while gazing into her beautiful gray eyes. 

"Happy Birthday again, boss," I said quietly. 

"This isn't the normal way that people tell their bosses happy birthday. It usually doesn't involve a kiss, Mr. Jackson," she smirked. 

"I couldn't help myself, boss. I won't do it again."

She quickly grabbed my blue tie and yanked me closer to her. This time, she kissed me, and it was filled with passion. I lifted her out of her chair and deepened the kiss. I've been waiting to do this all morning, and I was finally able to get some free time. 

"Thanks, Seaweed Brain. Not a lot of people know about my birthday." 

"Some people don't like their birthdays because they don't like aging. However, I love my birthday, and everyone knows about it," I paused hesitantly. "I have my best memories of my mom and stepdad on my birthday."

"My birthday has never been a special occasion," Annabeth replied sadly. 

"Well, that's changing today," I exclaimed. I reached out and handed her a present. She seemed surprised, but she took the present regardless.

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"I wanted to give you this. You're the first person that I am handing this to because it's not even on the market yet," I whispered. "Not until later today."

Annabeth curiously tore the wrapping and unveiled the novel. 

"Oh my god, it's your novel with your name on it,": Annabeth said excitedly. "Congratulations, Percy." 

"It wouldn't be possible without you," I said. "Also, I remember that you wanted to be the first to read my book. Now, you have the chance to do so. Thank you for everything." 

Annabeth wrapped her arms around my torso. I tightened our embrace. Her head nuzzled against my neck as I shifted my hands on her back. We simply stayed like that, embracing, for a long time. 

"Come home with me tonight," I whispered. 

"Your friends are throwing you a surprise party for your book," Annabeth said. 

I already knew that. Jason is horrible at keeping secrets; he's not subtle at all. However, I was also planning a simultaneous surprise party for Annabeth, but she didn't know that. Annabeth

"I don't want to celebrate without you," I answered. 

Annabeth nodded with a bright smile that practically made me melt.  We finished work early that day (by four o'clock), and I drove us to our home. Just as I had hoped, all of our friends and family were in positions to surprise me and Annabeth. 

As soon as I open the door, noise exploded out of my apartment. 

Annabeth and I laughed while pushing into the party. Many of them were holding purchased copies of my book. Meanwhile, a bunch of Annabeth's friends engulfed her in a birthday embrace. Congratulations and compliments were thrown around the room as everyone engulfed me and Annabeht in hugs and kisses. 

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