14: The Formal

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Percy POV

The business formal is held in the lobby of Olympus Airlines every year. The giant chandelier was the first thing I noticed as soon as I walked into the large lobby. I saw the people and felt the noise next. Everyone was dressed in the finest of clothes.

I didn't know most of the people in the room.

Round tables with silk table clothes were scattered throughout the room. Gorgeous silverware and plates were set up on the tables as I followed Annabeth towards our table.

This was all so new to me. I've never been to an event this formal and rich. I don't belong here. It was too much. Olympus Architecture has a table near the front of the lobby. A small stage was set up, and a band was lightly playing classical music.

"Relax, Percy. You are representing my company, so you can't look like a deer in headlights for the rest of the night," Annabeth instructed quietly.

She smiled while greeting an older woman with a polite embrace. I knew her, but not that well. She had dark hair and a demure face. She radiated a silent calm, but you could tell that she was cunning and observant.

She smiled at me while clasping my hand.

"Hello, my name is Hera Olympus. I haven't seen you before," she said. "However, your features are quite similar to another associate of mine."

My muscles tensed as I released her hand. It was obvious who she was talking about. My mother always said that I look too much like my father.

"I'm Percy Jackson. It's nice to meet you, Ms. Olympus."

Hera nodded while giving me an analytical gaze. Then, she moved on to greet some more guests at the table next to us. I know who Hera was. I've heard stories from Jason and Thalia, who aren't particularly fond of their step-mother.

"That was Hera Olympus. We should be careful around her. She's the wife of Zeus, and she isn't afraid to show her power," Annabeth explained.

"I know who she is."

"Percy, just try to mingle. I have to greet some of the guests for business purposes. Don't discuss anything from work to anyone. You don't know who is and isn't trustworthy in the business world," Annabeth said firmly.

I nodded while watching her walk away. Her red dress and beautiful aura garnered the attention of everyone she passed.

After I lost sight of her in the crowd, I felt alone again.

I looked around the lobby for any familiar faces. Jason and Thalia were supposed to be here. A few of my other friends also were expected to come. Finally, I saw Leo near the buffet. He was filling his plate with food in a very unprofessional way.

"Leo, there's plenty of food here," I chuckled while walking over.

"Percy, it's great to see you," Leo said while fixing his slightly too-small suit. "There's a lot of food, but the good food will be gone soon. Trust me, Perce, this isn't my first rodeo."

"All right. Then, I suppose I should follow you."

I grabbed a plate and helped myself to the mouth-watering food. It was the definition of fine dining. Most of the food looked too valuable to be worthy of my street mouth. Embrace new experiences, my mother used to say.

"So, how long do these things usually last?" I asked.

"Several hours, at least." Leo sighed. "I can't wait for this to be over. These things always burn me out. Sleep cannot come fast enough."

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