18: The Mock-Up

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Percy POV

My knee wouldn't stop shaking up and down. I was anxiously waiting for Dr. Apollo to come into his medical office. Tyson was sleeping on the seat next to me. His large head was leaning against my shoulder, but I didn't mind.

Dr. Apollo said that we would discuss Tyson's progress today. It's been several months of chemotherapy. Hestia and I were in dire need of some good news.

Finally, Dr. Apollo walked into the room.

He was holding a folder full of documents. Apollo greeted me with a sunny smile before placing the papers on his desk.

"I know that you're probably nervous, Percy."

"That would be the understatement of the century, doctor. Can you please cut the fake conversation and come to the point?" I asked urgently.

"Is Hestia not joining us today?"

"Aunt Hestia is taking care of Estelle, who woke up with a slight cold today. She's all right, but we figured that someone should stay with her," I paused. "Um, do you need Hestia here to share the news about Tyson?"

I was starting to get even more nervous. If Apollo wanted a real adult in the room, then it probably meant that the news wasn't great. Right?

Dr. Apollo sighed and opened Tyson's folder. A few scans were waiting for him to analyze. I couldn't quite read his emotions. Ugh, why do doctors have to have such good poker faces when talking to patients and families?

"Well, I usually like having the whole family present when I have good news."

I blinked once and then twice. He said it so casually, but the brilliant smile on his face demonstrated the reality of his news.

"WAIT, ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I exclaimed in joy.

Tyson jolted out of his slumber thanks to via excited shout. He looked around in a panic, but I easily wrapped my arms around my little brother. "What's happening?" he asked quietly.

"Tyson, you're getting better," Apollo expressed. "The scans and bloodwork show that compared to a few months ago, you're much less cancerous. There is a much lower count of leukemia cells in your blood."

"I don't know what that means," Tyson murmured. He was just a kid. Of course, he doesn't know what that means. I barely know what it means.

However, one thing was clear: Tyson's getting better.

It showed in his symptoms too. His chemotherapy makes him sick, but the other symptoms such as fever and body pains have lessened over the past few weeks.

Dr. Apollo smiled and crouched in front of Tyson. "It means that you're going to be okay, Tyson. However, we'll continue chemotherapy until you get fully better."

I nodded in agreement.

Tyson isn't out of the woods yet. But, kids are resilient.

Furthermore, this is fantastic news for our family. Considering all the hardships recently (especially with Poseidon), I needed Tyson to be making progress. Thank goodness that my prayers were being heard by someone.

A huge smile graced Tyson's face.

"Percy, I'm getting better," he shrieked excitedly. His arms wrapped around me and he squeezed. I hugged him back just as tight.

Tyson is a big kid for his age. He was plushy, which means that he gives the best hugs. I love my little brother so much, and I was so excited that he was getting cured. This also proved that we don't need Poseidon or his help. We don't need charity from the man who abandoned us years ago. We are fine on our own.

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