29: The Answer

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Percy POV

A few moments after our kiss, my brain started functioning again. I still felt the sting of her lips against my mouth., and I ignored it for now. I'm definitely going to pick it up later. Right now, I have to focus on my agenda. 

"Annabeth, I'm going to talk to Calypso today. I think she'll be willing to help us get through this situation. Will you come with me?" I asked.

"Yes, I will."

We walked through the crowd of people together. Calypso had gone upstairs after the long hours of partying, so that's where we followed. As we climbed the stairs, the commotion drowned away. It didn't disappear, but it lessened.

Fortunately, Calypso and Leo were waiting for me as planned. 

"Percy, this is a very delicate situation. You're going to be asking Calypso to betray her family business. You have to handle it carefully," AAnnabeht informed as we climbed the stairs. I nodded in agreement. 

I felt weird about asking Calypso about Titan Industries' illegal affairs. It felt wrong to ask Calypso to rat out her family's secrets. 

Furthermore, what if she is in cahoots with her family? What if she knows about all the illegal affairs and endorses them?

The thought of Cally being a possible bad person makes me uncomfortable. Calypso is such a nice and sweet girl. It would devastate Leo if she was in on all the illegal activities of her business. Not to mention, Leo was one of the nicest and funniest guys on the planet. He would truly be hurt if Calypso ends up being a bad person. 

"Annabeth, do you think that Cally even knows about her family business? What if she doesn't know about the illegal affairs?" I asked quietly. 

"That would be a good and bad thing," Annabeth replied. 

She was correct, of course. I wanted Calypso to give information on Titan Industries. I wanted enough proof to stop Titan's illegal affairs. Some of Titan's companies such as Rhea enterprises are good and legitimate. However, others run by Krios or Atlas are illegal. 

I only want dirt on the immoral and illicit companies. 

I paused on the staircase. The music was still permeating from downstairs, but it was only background noise at this point. I tugged Annabeth against the wall gently. 

"Would you give up Olympus's secrets?" I asked. 

Annabeth breathed softly, but she didn't answer. We were very close to each other, and I could feel her breath rolling down my shirt. 

I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips. I couldn't help myself. 

"Despite you kissing me and how great it was," she whispered with a smile. "I wouldn't reveal my company's secrets to an outsider."

"So, Cally's a possible dead end." 

She reached up and placed her hand on my cheek. This time, she kissed me, and I greatly appreciated the warmth that spread into me. 

"You won't lose anything from trying, Seaweed Brain. This is for us." 

I smiled before taking her hand. We made our way to the third floor. Thanks to the distance between us and the first floor, silence followed upstairs. 

Leo and Calypso were waiting in an office. It had to be Hephaestus's. The walls of the office were lined with pictures and paintings of volcanoes. Leo told me once that his father loves exploring and visiting volcanoes. I guess everyone has their version of fun. 

His furniture was very rustic. The desk was an old wooden table, and Leo's father uses a brownish-red leather chair. The desk was clean besides a few folders. 

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