33: The Perfect Balance

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Annabeth POV

Grover and Juniper were having an engagement party, and I'm invited. I promised Juniper that I would attend despite my busy work schedule. I had spent all day in meetings about the Amazonian expansion project. 

Essentially, after Olympus used the evidence against Titan Industries, our competitors lost their power and fortitude. The Olympus Magnate wanted to completely cripple the Titans, but the vote went against it. Instead, we only used the evidence to terminate the illegal affairs of the Titans. Some of the good Titans managed to keep their companies. 

Calypso took over her father's imports business. The illegal affairs stopped, but the legal trading company continued to operate. 

Percy and I are so grateful for her help, and she would become an excellent businesswoman. 

I sighed while staring at the dress in my backseat. My driver was taking me to a neighborhood enclosed in our city. It was one of the best communities in the city. Percy didn't want to buy a house outside of the city. He didn't want to disrupt our lives too much. 

Yup, you heard me right. 

Seaweed Brain bought a new house. Because of his rising book sales, he can easily afford a new home in the city. His family no longer has to live in a small two-bedroom apartment. I helped pick the home. 

My company designed the homes in the neighborhood, so I knew that they were the best houses possible. He happily accepted my designs and bought a house here. 

I smiled while gazing at Percy waiting on the sidewalk. 

He was wearing khakis, a white shirt, and a navy blazer. His hair was combed, which transformed his attractiveness into handsomeness. His sea-green eyes glistened while his gaze locked onto mine through the window. 

"Wise Girl, you didn't change yet," Percy complained. He came to my side of the car and opened the door for me. 

The fresh breeze ruffled my hair while I greeted my boyfriend with a kiss. His home was located on a cul-de-sac, and the fresh lawns were reflecting sunlight well. It was a beautiful day, and the engaged couple chose a perfect date for a party. 

They were hosting the party at Percy's home. It was a fairly large house, and he had a decent backyard with a big lawn and a pool. For Percy, a pool was a necessity. 

Before I could walk to his house, Percy wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"Seaweed Brain, I'm already running late," I replied. 

Percy's face nuzzled against my neck. His breath washed down my skin and sent goosebumps over my arms. I felt so safe and warm in his arms. I acted on impulse and pushed Percy against my car. I leaned forward and kissed him passionately. 

He immediately kissed back with a smile. 

"I love you, Wise Girl," he whispered after pulling back. I stared into his eyes. They held so much love in them, and I couldn't help but think how lucky I am. 

Percy didn't care about my wealth or status. Many guys target successful women, and it's unethical. However, Percy would love me no matter what. Even if I got fired from my company and was dirt-poor, he wouldn't care. Besides, Percy is successful on his own. I admired that quality. He became a successful, best-selling author without anyone's influence. Percy would always love me. 

And, I knew that I love him too. I just haven't told him yet. 

For a second, Percy paused and searched my face. He was waiting for me to say the three words that he wanted to hear for several months now. They were the best months of my life. They made me realize that I'd be happy and loved as long as I'm with Percy. 

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