15: The Moon

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Percy POV

I could NOT get out of there fast enough. 

After my ex-father brushed my shoulders and hugged me on stage, I was bombarded by a bunch of questions from random people. I couldn't even deny Rachel's and my 'union' because Poseidon didn't stop talking. 

As soon as his speech ended, I rushed off the stage. People went on a little break while I rushed to get out of the room. 

I finally found a restroom and ran into it. Even the restroom belonged to people of the upper class. I turned the water on before staring at myself in the mirror. 

Jason followed me into the bathroom. 

"Percy, oh my god. Are you okay? That was crazy," he exclaimed. "Since when did you get back with Rachel? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I DIDN'T GET BACK WITH HER," I shouted angrily. 

I splashed water on my face and grabbed some paper towels. I dabbed my face with the rough tissues before turning my attention to Jason. He was staring at me silently. While I hate wearing suits, he was born to be professional. His whole personality radiated rules and regulations. He would do anything to please his dad and his company, but that was not me. 

"I had no warning about this. I had no clue that this was going to happen tonight," I explained. "They just sprung it on me." 

"Do you think that Rachel was in on it?" he asked with concern. 

"Rachel knew about it for sure. Gods, she didn't even warn me. I would've never come to this dam party if I knew this was going to happen. I hate him." 

"I'm sorry, man. Everything's gonna be fine," Jason comforted. 

He came forward and patted my back. I rested my arm on his shoulder. I couldn't believe what just happened. Who does Poseidon think he is? He has no right to fix my relationships. He doesn't even get an input. 

Poseidon lost that privilege when he abandoned Tyson, mom, and me. 

I looked around the empty bathroom, trying to find a window. I didn't want to go back to the party. Everyone would have questions, but I have no answers. At least, I have no kind answers, and I was afraid that I would blow up on everyone. That certainly wouldn't look good for anyone. Plus, Annabeth would be so disappointed since I came with her. 

I wondered what she was thinking. She probably felt betrayed that I didn't tell her. Of course, I don't consider Poseidon my dad, especially after this. 

As far as I know, Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis are my parents. 

"Bro, what are you going to do now?" 

"I'm leaving this stupid party. I can't be around all this. I don't want to marry Rachel, and my hatred for Poseidon and Olympus has only increased," I growled. 

"I'm sorry, man. Maybe, this will blow over in a few days." 

"HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING, JASON," I snapped. "Don't you get it? He's trying to use me for a business deal, and I don't care for it. I'M LEAVING.

When we stepped out of the restroom, several people around us turned towards me. I hated the attention. Just a few hours go, they didn't even look at me twice. Now, I was the hottest commodity for all of these business people. 

I pushed my way through the crowd. 

They were asking questions about my position, family, relationship with Dare, and possible business deals. Finally, I ran into Annabeht near our table. 

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