26: The Good

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Percy POV

I nervously waited for the doctors to finish analyzing Tyson's bloodwork. Tyson was anxiously sitting on the seats while playing a video game on my phone. He didn't even want to come to the hospital, but I made him come. 

If there was good news for us, I wanted Tyson to be thankful to the medical community that helped him. 

Hestia was patting Estelle's back. She was sleeping in my aunt's arms. Her small head was leaning on Hestia's shoulder while her arms were thrown around her shoulders. I stopped bouncing my leg and walked toward the window. The sun was shining brightly. The weather has been so good lately, and it was a clear contrast to how I was feeling on the inside. 

I was in great need of some good news today. 

I needed something to cheer me up. Why were the doctors taking so long? I simply wanted to know if Tyson was in remission or not. 

"This is taking a long time. I hate waiting, especially in hospitals," I spoke aloud. Dr. apollo's office is not an emergency room. However, just being in the hospital brought back bad memories that I don't want to revisit. 

There was one time that I was admitted to the hospital for a few broken ribs. Gabe had kicked me so hard that he damaged my bones. I struggled with breathing for weeks. 

That was the final straw for me, Tyson, and my mom. This incident happened a few years before meeting Paul. It took me a long time to trust any father figure after that. However, Paul was different. He was the father I never had. 

"Percy, have patience. It's going to be okay," Hestia responded. 

"I'm getting anxious. You know that my ADHD kicks in when I'm nervous." I struggle to sit still for long periods. 

When I'm writing my novels, it's different. My mind is racing with ideas when I'm writing, and I'm able to focus on the words on the page. Sitting down to write helps me narrow the wild thoughts in my head. That's why ADHD doesn't affect me while writing. 

However, any sort of wait sparks my ADHD. 

"Percy, this isn't about your ADHD. You're acting like this because you're worried about your little brother. However, don't worry because Tyson is healthy. Dr. Apollo canceled this month's chemotherapy. He would only do that if Tyson doesn't need it anymore." 

Hestia smiled while brushing Stella's hair. I knew that Estelle was helping Hestia remain calm. Furthermore, my aunt is a natural caregiver to us.  

Hestia is always warm and calm. 

Finally, Dr. Apollo walked in with a few of Tyson's nurses. They rushed forward and hugged Tyson excitedly. My brother dropped my phone in surprise. 

"Dr. Apollo, what's going on?" I asked quickly. 

"Can't you see the joy, Percy?" Apollo smiled brightly. "This is a celebration. The nurses are very happy that Tyson is finally in remission after eight months of treatment."

I froze while Dr. Apollo embraced me. 

I couldn't believe it. The nurses were taking turns explaining to Tyson that he was healthy again. The leukemia is gone from Tyson's system. Thank goodness. 

Hestia was crying quietly while holding Tyson's hand. Finally, I laughed aloud while rushing toward my little brother. 

I hugged him tightly. This nightmare is behind us. 

I have a wonderful, healthy, cancer-free brother again. Tyson is in remission. We've been waiting and hoping for so long to hear this news. 

The car ride home was filled with happy conversations. We stopped for ice cream, and then, I splurged money on new video games for Tyson and toys for Estelle. I couldn't help myself because I was so grateful that they were both okay. 

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