11: The Letter

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Percy POV

Dear Percy,

It's Rachel, but you probably already knew that. I was going to call you, but I decided that a more intimate letter would be best. I've missed you, Percy. How have you been? 

I received your job application for Dare Industries, and it got me thinking. I've been thinking lately about all the mistakes in my life. One of my biggest mistakes is breaking up with you. I've missed you over the years, and I realized that I still have feelings for you. 

Do you remember how we first met? I was getting my hair and makeup done backstage at Goode High's production of The Greatest Showman. You were taking care of the lights. I accidentally tossed my blue hairbrush at you. When you looked at me in frustration, a connection ensued. I still think about our relationship? Do you? 

Anyway, I know that time has passed. History cannot rewrite itself. I'm writing this letter with a different purpose in mind. As I mentioned, I received your job application. If you would like a receptionist or assistant job at Dare, it's waiting for you, Percy. 

I know that you don't like working for the Olympus Magnate. This is another option for you to break free. 

I hope to hear back, Percy. 


Rachel Elizabeth Dare. 

I finished reading the letter in confusion. I reread the letter twice more before simply staring at the words on the light red page. Of course, Rachel would hand-write a letter on red printer paper. She was always artistic that way. 

Rachel and I dated for three years. We graduated together and dated during college. Then, I dropped out of college after my parents died. She broke up with me a few weeks later (when I needed her the most). I was heartbroken, but I managed to move on. I was not expecting this letter from her. 

She was offering me a job. 

Indeed, I don't like the Olympus Magnate. However, I'm not sure that working for my ex-girlfriend would be any better. 

Regardless, after looking at the job application, I realized that the assistant job at Dare industries is so much better than working for Olympus. Dare industries is a private corporation that lends many benefits (including medical insurance) to its employees. 

I sighed while contemplating the job. 

I was only starting to like my job working for Annabeth. We have a deal going, and it was making the job a lot easier. I was also getting closer to Annabeth. There was more to her than being a mean boss. 

She cared about her image and her company. Furthermore, Annabeth is the most intelligent person I've ever met. I don't necessarily want to quit on her. 

However, I couldn't ignore the benefits of Dare Industries. One, it's not a part of the Olympus magnate, which I hate. Two, it provides a higher salary and better benefits. Three, Tyson's health would be helped by those benefits. 

I gazed at Rachel's phone number on my phone. 

I've been contemplating calling Rachel for the past hour. I didn't know what to do, but I had to look out for Tyson and my family first. 

The phone was ringing quietly. It took Rachel a few seconds to answer my call. 

"Hey, Rachel. It's Percy," I acknowledged.  

A few seconds of silence continued. Then, Rachel spoke up in her smooth, expressive voice. "Percy. I'm so glad that you called me. I wasn't sure if you received my letter. Or, I thought that you would just ignore me" 

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