30: The Mission

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Percy POV

Grover and I were driving to a coffee shop in the heart of downtown. Calypso said she will meet us at the coffee shop next to her father's building. Atlas is a leader in Titan industries, and he is responsible for imports.

That's his company's cover for all the illegal activities.

I'm meeting with her and Leo to coordinate a plan. Leo described it as a plan that's so crazy that it just might work. In my opinion, that's the best kind of plan.

"Are you sure that we're not driving into a trap?" Grover asked. He agreed to help me despite my reluctance. I don't want him to get in trouble. Sneaking into Titan Industries and stealing information is dangerous (not to mention, illegal).

That's right, kids. Stealing is illegal. Unfortunately, I've never been one to follow the rules, especially when it comes to love and happiness.

Regardless, I didn't want to rope Grover into my troubles, but he refused to take no for an answer.

"Calypso and Leo are trustworthy, G-man. They're going to help."

"What if Cally was caught and we're driving into her father's grip? You never know what can happen in the business world. You know that."

"Take the next right," I instructed. "Also, Calypso and Leo are a part of the business world unlike us. They know how to be careful."

"Titan Industries are ruthless," Grover continued.

He took another left. The streets were busy today because it was around 5 pm. Usually, the city bustled with activity between the hours of 9 am to 8 pm. After that, everyone goes home, so the streets are emptied at night. Grover parked on the side of the road, and we stepped onto the crowded sidewalk.

People in both work and casual clothes were bustling about. No one even gave me a second glance. These are the perks of living in a city. No one cares about the people around them because they're so busy with their lives.

We walked an entire block before coming to our destination.

The coffee shop was too crowded. There were barely any seats left. Fortunately, Leo and Cally were already hogging a booth in the back. The baristas whizzed around with coffee cups and snacks. I was impressed they weren't spilling any drinks.

"Hey guys, thanks for meeting us today," I greeted.

"Of course. I can't wait to set fire to Titan Industries. It's going to be awesome. If not fire, then an explosion," Leo said emphatically.

"Leo, we're not damaging any property," Cally resolved.

I smiled while Grover fidgeted in the seat next to me. Grover doesn't do well with stress. His face is scrunched up, and pressure makes him look like a goat. That's why his nickname is goat-man or G-man for short.

I patted his shoulder to comfort him. This is why I didn't want to involve him. Grover's a great best friend, but he doesn't like breaking the rules. For instance, Grover is a conservationist, who loves helping the Earth and nature.

"Percy, we have expedited the plan. It's going down tonight," Calypso ordered.

"WHAT, WHY?" Grover exclaimed.

"I know that it's a surprise. A part of our plan is for Leo to knock out the surveillance cameras. He tried to do it today, and he succeeded," Cally explained.

"Woah. That's fantastic. I only doubted you a little bit, Leo," I smirked.

He rolled his eyes. "Why do people doubt me? Leo McShizzle Hot-Stuff Supreme is capable of anything and everything!"

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