6. Heart Monitor

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Beacon Hills Highschool

"That what of who ?" Lydia indicated to the web page on Alison's laptop, already bored of this conversation.

"The Beast of Gevaudan. Listen -- a quadrupled wolf like monster, prowling the Auvergne and south Dordogne areas of France during the year 1764 to 1767. La Bête killed over a hundred people, becoming so infamous that the King Louis XV sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it" She reads aloud, showing you and Lydia the screen.

"Boring" The strawberry blonde sighed.

"Who even gave you the idea to look the Beast of Gevaudan up ? Isn't that legend just a little bit too old for history class ?" You questioned as she shook her head.

"It's not for class. My aunt mentioned it" Alison shrugs, thinking little of what she had just told you.

"You've got my full attention. It honestly sounds kinda interesting" The comment made Lydia raise an eyebrow at you.

"Even the Church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan" She'd moved the screen so that you could read it properly.

"Still boring" Lydia faked a yawn before resting her head on your shoulder.

"Cryptozoologists belive it may have been a subspecies of hoofed predator, possibly a mesonychild" Alison points to the picture on the screen.

"Slipping into a coma bored" She rolled her eyes at her best friend.

"That things big for a werewolf, isn't it ? I thought they were only human sized ?" You gestured to the picture in the corner of web page.

"While other believe it was a powerful sorcerer who could shape-shift into a man eating monster" Alison reads the following paragraph aloud.

"Any of this have anything to do with your family ?" Lydia sits up straight to stop herself from falling asleep.

"This. It is believed that La Bête was finally trapped and killed by a renowned hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature. His name was Argent" She turned it towards her.

"Your ancestors killed a big wolf. So what ?" Lydia seemed unimpressed with the new information.

"Can you text me the web link to that ? I might end up doing a history paper on it for extra credit. Is that alright, Alison ?" You pulled your phone out of your back pocket.

"Yeah, that's fine. If you do end up doing it then email me a copy. I'd like to give it a read over to see, what you think about the different theories" She smiles at you.

"I will. Thanks, Argent" You placed your phone back in your pocket.

"Not just a big wolf. Take a look at this picture. What does it look like to you ? Lydia ? ... Lydia ?" Alison glances up and her best friend stands infront of her.

"It looks ... like a big ... wolf. See you in history" Lydia walked off after her snide remark.

You and Alison exchange glance as she's packing her laptop away.

"I'll see you in history" You smiled at her as you start to make your way to class.

The lacrosse field

"Hey Scott. Hey Stiles" You greet the pair out on the field.

"What the hell is she doing here ?" Stiles eyes followed your every move.

"I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to help you" You place your backpack on a close by bench.

"Atleast you are slightly less threatening than Derek. This still doesn't mean that I trust you" Stiles folded his arms over his chest.

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