91. Riders On The Storm

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Argent Bunker

"Stiles ! Keep going ! I can see you, Stiles ! Don't stop ! Stiles !" Lydia's hand extends as you and her watch the rift close.

"... Lydia ?" Scott softly placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Where is he ? It was working. You saw him, right ?" Lydia enquired.

"Yeah, I saw him, love" You nodded.

"... We didn't see anyone" Malia shrugged.

"No, he was here. I know it. Stiles was here" Lydia informed.

The door burst open, Liam is standing in the doorway, panting for air.

"Liam !" You slide on the spare hoodie you'd brought with you.

"There's something you need to see" Liam informed.

"You're still here ..." Scott smiled weakly.

"But everyone else is gone. All of them -- they're all gone. Look, you have to come with me" Liam explained.

"What is it ?" You questioned.

"I can't explain it. I have to show you" Liam stammered.

"Uh ... All right. You guys stay here. Just in case. Y/N, you're with me" Scott instructed.

"In case Stiles comes back ?" Malia enquired skeptically.

"If there's any hope, you need to keep trying" Scott nodded.

You, Scott and Liam exited the bunker, the two girls closing the door behind you.

Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital

You and Scott followed Liam through the building, walking along the train tracks.

"This is happening everywhere ?" You turned to the younger Werewolf.

"Here, the school lacrosse field ..." Liam nodded.

"What does it mean ?" Scott enquired.

"It means ..." A voice echoed from behind the three of you, you turned to face Douglas.

"... It's working" He smirked, growling, you roar in response, eyes glowing deep red.

"He can't take all of us" Scott informed, barring his fangs.

"No way" Liam nodded, flicking out his claws.

"Höllenhund !" Douglas called out.

Parrish advanced towards the three of you, his skin begins to glow with fire, the three of you moved backwards, getting closer to Douglas in the process.

"Parrish. Parrish, you don't wanna do this. Stop !" Scott tried to get through to him.

"The train is coming. There's no stopping the Wild Hunt. You'll make a fine Ghost Rider, Scott. And I'll have a True Alpha by my side" Douglas advanced, blocking the exit.

"Parrish, listen to me, stop !" You growl.

"And then a Banshee, an Alpha. And a Werecoyote ..." He smirked.

"A Stiles ?" A voice spoke up from behind him.

"A what ?" Douglas confused, looked for the source of the voice, Stiles hits him in the back of the head with a baseball bat, knocking him to the ground.

"Bad guy, right ? I didn't misread that ?" Stiles looks down at him, Parrish stared at him curiously.

Douglas gets back to his feet, you and Scott grabbed Parrish by the shoulders.

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