36. Alpha Pact

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Unknown Parking Lot

Isaac parks the car in an empty parking lot downtown.

"You see the twins ?" He turned the keys on the ignition, switching off the car.

"No ... But I see the Argents" Peter spots Allison and Chris.

"Good, I told them to take my car" You shrugged.

"What is it ?" Allison asked her father, the howl of a werewolf slicing through the air.

"A retreat" Chris made his way towards the car.

"Not to bring up uncomfortable memories, but wasn't the last time you saw them the time you killed Kate and then they burned you alive ? Hmm ?" Isaac turned to look at Peter, the back door way open, your father was gone.

"Where are the others ?" Chris addresses the pair of you as you climbed out of the car.

"I don't know -- Scott and Stiles went back for Derek and Jennifer, we had to get Cora out" Isaac explained.

"Swap ?" You tossed Argent his keys, he tossed you yours.

"Where's Scott and Stiles ?" Allison tried to get Isaac to tell the group where they are.

"Stiles is still at the hospital. He's gonna hold the cops off for us. We have to go right now" Derek pulled up in Stiles's keep.

You collected Cora from the back seat, loading her into the jeep with Derek's help.

"What about Scott and Melissa ?" Chris rests a hand on your shoulder, stopping you from moving.

"Jennifer took Melissa" Derek informed the group.

"... Guardians" You slammed the door to the jeep, unlocking your own car.

"What about Scott ? Derek, where's Scott ?" Allison pushed him for answers, he ignored her, atleast he appeared to, climbing into the drivers side of Stiles's jeep.

Derek's Loft

"She's dying, isn't she ?" Isaac folded his arms over his chest.

Your crouched beside Cora, one hand dabbing her forehead with a damp cloth and the other squeezing her hand.

"I don't know" Derek cleared his throat.

"So, what are you gonna do ?" Isaac carefully watches over Cora, as do you and Derek.

"I don't know" Derek's voice was on the verge of breaking.

"Want to figure something out ? Because while Scott, Y/N and Stiles were out there, trying to help people from being killed, you were in here, rolling around the sheets with the actual killer !
Do you get how many people she's killed? Erica and Boyd are dead. Cora is dying. And you are doing nothing !" He irritably snapped at his Alpha.

"Isaac, he's trying, okay ? We don't want anyone else to die --" You began but he cut you off.

"Then, try harder ! Why'd you do this to us, Derek ? Was it all about the power ? Were you bored ? Were you lonely ?" He crouched down next of Derek, intensely staring at him.

"Maybe" Derek sighed, locking eyes with his beta.

"Guys, come on, arguing isn't gonna help anyone. It's not gonna help the Sheriff, it's not gonna help Melissa, it's certainly not gonna help Cora. And it's not gonna get Scott away from that maniac" You do your best to reason with them.

"I told Cora I wouldn't leave. I'll help the others when I figure out how to help her --" Derek decided to reason with Isaac, who by this point is already at the door.

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