54. I.E.D

654 26 1

Beacon County Sheriff's Station

"So, the Walcotts were the first ... at least, the first we know about. Four murders -- Sean, his brother, and their parents. They were killed by a professional assassin called the Mute; weapon of choice, a military tomahawk. But then, the Mute was killed by Peter Hale after he tried to blow up Derek with a claymore mine. Next was Demarco. He delivered a keg to the party at Lydia's lake house ... and got decapitated outside his car" Stiles makes a crime board as he lists off events.

"And then, last night, twenty-three-year-old Carrie Hudson ..." You finished.

"It's a Deadpool -- a hit-list of supernatural creatures. This is only part of it ... The rest still has to be decoded" Scott gestured to the page on the desk.

"Who found the list ?" Stilinski enquires.

"Lydia" Stiles informs his father.

"How ?" The Sheriff sighs.

"She wrote it ... Actually, she transcribed it ... without realizing it" He explained.

"She accidentally wrote out the code instead of writing Math notes for Malia" You shrugged.

"Banshee ?" Sheriff Stilinski rubbed his temple.

"Banshee" Stiles nodded.

"Beautiful. All right, what are these numbers next to the name ?" He points at the list.

"We're getting to that. First, you need to know that the code was broken with a cipher key" Stiles explained.

"Wait ... You mean, like, a ... like a key word ?" The Sheriff questioned.

"It's actually a name --" Stiles admitted.

"-- Allison" Scott glumly informed him.

"Her name broke the first third of the list" You examined the crime board.

"And now we think there's two other cipher keys" Scott nodded.

"Which will give us the rest of the names. Okay ... So, how do we get the cipher keys ?" The Sheriff examined the Deadpool before him.

"Same way we got the code" Stiles pins a photo to the board.

"Lydia. She's been at the lake house all weekend, trying to find the other two key words ..." Scott clarified.

Martin Lakehouse, Last Night

You, Kira and Malia are sat on three chairs in the room, Lydia has been listening to the recording on repeat for hours, the three of you silently agree to move her so she gives herself a break.

Kira takes the spinner off the record, Malia crouched beside her, you grabbed ahold of her hand, guiding her into the room across the hall.

"What are you doing ? I almost cracked it" She frustratedly ran a hand through her hair.

"You've been sat infront of that thing for hours. Lydia, you're gonna drive yourself insane. You need to take a break. We can start over tomorrow" You patted the bed, sitting cross legged.

"Then it's my fault if someone dies tonight !" Lydia snapped at you.

"Lyds, you need to get some rest. Sitting practically comatose infront of that stupid record player for hours on end isn't helping anyone. You're exhausted. Just ... please, come here and try to get some sleep" Your voice breaks slightly, you can't bear seeing her like this.

She nods, laying down, pulling you with her, resting her head on your chest, her warm, steady breathing sends a shock down your spine.

Her breathing soon evened out, one of your hands tracing circles on her back and the other running soothingly through her hair.

Whatever It Takes {Teen Wolf X Reader}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt