7: Faerie's deal

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"Faeries are equally loyal and deceitful."

-Melissa Marr

Ivo welcomed Damian warmly. His wife, Enna, prepared a hearty meal.

"It is our pleasure to welcome you into our humble home, your grace."

"Pleasure is mine, Enna was it?"

She curtsied, "Yes, your grace."

"Well, this is quite a scrumptious meal. I'm afraid I cannot enjoy all of it. The duchess is waiting at the carriage for me. I shan't be long." Damian said but he sat down and took a bite of the bread. "This is delicious."

Enna simply smiled. A dimple marked the side of her cheeks.

"It is no matter, your grace." Ivo chimed in. "We understand you are occupied."

"Well, most of the work was covered already, thanks to you, Garnder. I only swung by to see what has become of the water source."

"Everything turned out fine, your grace. The very next day after your accident, the damned thing broke all by itself." He raised both hands in the air and mimicked an explosion. "There were bits and pieces of it everywhere. We all had to gather 'em up and load the wagons. Some people up east asked to purchase them for their construction. Timmy and the older folks made a good penny. And then, the water came bursting back."

"That is a relief. Now we do not have to worry about our fields drying out. I am certain it was all thanks to your efforts and the men who helped."

"Like you did, your grace." Enna added. "My husband told me how bravely you paddled down the muddy roads and joined them." Her eyes sparkled, like a child so proud to have been allowed to speak her heart.

Damian smiled gently. "I barely scratched that boulder when I passed out. But I am happy to have contributed." He took off his kerchief and raised. They also stood up but he stopped them. "No, you stay. I shall excuse myself and see to the door on my own. Enjoy your meal."

"Thank you, your grace. My god bless you and your wife with child soon." Enna said and waved.

He waved back and gave a nod to Ivo. He turned back and felt a surge of jealousy. His secretary had a much better marriage than him.

Damian made his way outside and noticed that the carriage was tethered. The horses happily munched on the grass and made no noise. But where was his driver?

He opened the door and saw Peterson still sprawled on the floor. And Lydia was nowhere. Fearing that she had fled, he looked around the seat and noticed she had left her purse. Now, what woman would leave without that? She may just be nearby. With his walking stick, he poked the man's leg. "Peterson! Peterson! How long are you going to pass out?"

Peterson merely groaned and shifted his head from left to right. And snored.

"Are you bloody real, right now?!" He hissed.

The man was out of cold.

Damian exhaled and closed the door. Where should he start looking?


Agatha had scoured every inch of the manor but found no traces of neither the duke or duchess. Anyone she asked would either say they were together or that they have not seen them. The servants were loyal to their masters would rather face her wrath than tell her anything. Even her daughter's maid was nowhere to be found.

Instead of wasting her time nagging the uncooperative ingrates, as she called them, Agatha searched the house by herself. The duke's study was locked, but she expected that. She went over to Lydia's sitting room and found it empty. The library was quite save for the maids clearing dust. And she had been unsuccessful barging into the duchess' chambers earlier.

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