10: A fool

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"Fools try to forget. The wise love."

-Maxime Lagacé

Lydia's heart was beating loudly. She can feel it. Today was the day she would finally lose her innocence.

Her eyes were shut because the sensations that Damian had brought upon her were too strong. Her body shook with both excitement and nervousness.

"Relax, Lydia. I am going as slow as I can." She heard him say between kisses. "We shall spend all afternoon here. Perhaps even the night. We are not leaving this bed until we are satisfied. Do you understand?"

She could only nod her head as his mouth dipped down and suckled on her neck again. Heavens. Who would have thought that this part could be so sensitive yet arousing at the same.

Damian made his way down and had caught a button in his teeth. Without further ado, he ripped it off. The material was surprisingly weak and the cloth tore off. His wife's chest were almost bare more than ever. When Lydia opened her eyes in shock, he simply spat the button out. She heard the it bounced off the bedside table and was never seen again.

"You do not have to destroy my clothes."

Damian tilted his head to one side. "But it makes it so much easier to undress you." He whispered against her lips, not touching but simply hovering. "You can do the same to mine."

"I would hate to tear my clothes or yours, Damian."

He nibbled at her jaw and said, "I can replace it with another. One more grander than this."

She did not wish to be carried away and pushed him back a little. In doing so, he pulled her with him in a sitting position. "I can just take it off.  Here," she reached for the second button and undid it. "Its undone. Now if you would give me a moment, I can—"

But Damian did not have a moment and pulled the sleeves off. Lydia watched as the cloth helplessly tear. Now both of her arms were exposed. He balled the thin cloth in his hands and threw them away.

"You do not have to be so barbaric." She yelped as he reached out and made an attempt to tear the remnants of her clothes. No matter what you say I am not—"

He pulled away a little and caught her gaze. His look was so intense that she could not find the words to say.

"You refuse to do as told?"

"I...I simply...well.." she wanted to look away and prayed they could resume to their love making. But he looked quite frustrated.

"Just tear it off, Lydia. There is no one here but me. It has served its purpose." A pause. "Are you shy that I would look at your body?"

"That, yes. The latter. And...and it just seems so undignified to rip them apart." She hugged herself in an attempt to cover her nakedness. "The seamstress have spent time and effort into making this. Imagine how she would feel if she saw the dress in shreds."

Damian's face softened. It would seem that even without his memories, there are things that his wife have kept from him. Not only did she showed kindness to others below her station but she also cared about the simple things. To him, clothes have been naught but covering until they turn into rags. But her determination to hold unto them gave him the idea that she was one who preferred to care for minimal things. No matter how cheap it was.

His silence made her anxious. She knew he hated it when his word was ignored. And although she had been defying him ever since they married, she had always turned back before it was too late. Lydia stared down at her torn dress.

It was irreparable.

What did she even fight back for?

She raised her eyes and met his. Would he be glad if she finish what he started? Or would he lose interest?

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