32: Promises

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"Sometimes to do the right thing, we must keep a promise we never made."

– Robert Breault

A week later

Dathan kissed his wife goodbye as she stepped foot on the ship. She was going home now and it may be some time before they see each other again.

"Hurry up and catch that man, and then come back to me." Em said, "I want you to witness our son's birth."

"We do not know the gender yet, darling. May it be a son or daughter I am going to give them all my heart." He kissed her forehead, "The same amount of affection I have given you."

"I know you'll be a wonderful father, Dathan."

The rest of the family stood by the port. Lydia held her husband's hand as they watched the couple shower each other with love. She no longer envied Em. For she now stood where she exactly wanted to be: as Damian's wife.

"How long are they going to nuzzle each other?" Jules asked.

"Julianna!" Lucille called out to her daughter, "Leave your brother and Rose alone. They are to be separated by great distances."

"I don't understand why she can't stay with us until the baby is born. We have a huge house! And I especially wanted to see my nephew soon."

"You do not know if it's a boy yet. It could be a girl." Damian said.

Jules crossed her arms, "I have a feeling it is going to be a boy. With Em's hair and Dathan's eyes. He'd be very handsome!"

"And if she's a girl?" Lucille nudged.

"Well, I'd still love her. Maybe she'll have golden locks like me and sweet amber eyes. And we'll play dress-up and share my dollhouse. Ohh, she could be my little sister, or in a sort of way."

"Does that mean you want a younger sibling, Jules?" Lucille asked. "A little sister perhaps?"

"A baby would be a lovely addition to our family, mama. But it does not have to be yours." She turned to her brother, "When will you give me a nephew or a niece?"

"Julianna!" Lucille exclaimed, shaking her head. "That is not a question you should ask them."

"But don't people get to have babies when they marry?"

"Yes, they often do. But sometimes it takes them a little while to have one."

"Is it hard to make?"

Lydia and Damian burst out laughing. Lucille's face burned with embarrassment. Her daughter's outbursts will be the death of her one day.

"It seems that you and I have to talk about certain things, young lady." She said to Jules, "When we get home I will sit you down."

"That's alright, mama. But why are they laughing?"

"Oh, your brother made a jest. They are not laughing at you." She reached out to grab her hand, "Come, let us bid Rose farewell. And try not to berate Dathan."

Lydia watched as her mother-in-law went to hug Em. She looked old and frail against the younger folks around her. But there was still that radiance only Lucille could bring. Her smile was genuine and heartfelt.

"Are you going to give her that?"

She looked down at the package she wrapped the night before, "Yes. I went through so much trouble getting it, I should hand it over personally."

"Well then, let us bid them goodbye."

They joined the others in saying their parting message.

Lydia hugged Em and gave her the gift. "Remember to only open it when you are alone." She whispered. "It is for your own eyes only."

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