29: Snow-leaden path

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"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, 'Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again."

-Lewis Carroll


The next day

The heavy fall of snow discouraged anyone from venturing far from the manor. And so, between the hours of late breakfast and early lunch, the masters of the Hinley came down to join the rest.

Dathan and Em were enjoying their second batch of pastries when Alexi and Ivo came down. Both men appeared to have some massive headaches. Sam was quick enough to bring some tincture for them to sip on.

"Rough night, your majesty?" Asked Dathan.

"I hardly remember the rest of it," the prince groaned, "what are you feeding me, woman?"

Sam curtsied as she poured the liquid into his cup, "A tonic. This is something to elevate your spirits, your majesty. My mum taught me how to make them."

Ivo also accepted a cup but after sniffing the brim, he pondered on if he wanted it or not.

"Ana, was it? She works for Em's sister now. And I have tasted the mysterious drinks she's concocted and they always helped."

"My lady Marchioness, do send my regards to your sister. And thank you for taking care of my mother."

Em simply raised her teacup and smiled at her friend. Seeing that no one was in the mood for talk, Alexi went ahead and sipped his cup. And spewed out its contents. Ivo discreetly wiped his face off with the sprayed debris.

"What on earth is in there?!"

"Medicine, Your Majesty. Did you find it not to your liking?"

"Not to my liking? Woman, this is horrendous. Why would you feed me such a thing?"

Sam gasped, grabbed the cup from his hand, and sniffed. Her nose twitched and her face soured, "I'm afraid this has gone bad. It shouldn't smell like this."

"Gone bad you say? Yet you had the nerve to serve it to me."

"It was an honest mistake, Your Majesty." Sam snapped, "It was not my intention to feed you a spoiled one. Despite you being one and all."

Dathan burst out laughing. Em was quick enough to comfort the wailing prince as her friend made her escape.

It was this scene that Damian and Lydia came to. The duchess turned to her maid and said, "See to the prince, will you Vanj?"

"With pleasure, your grace."

Evangeline came to Alexi's side and offered him a trip to the kitchen. She managed to coax him that a much better alternative would be made this time.

"And what would that taste like?" Alexi asked.

"I can make it sweet for you, a dash of honey and some mint perhaps?"

Em patted his shoulder, "Miss Pritchard is talented in these things, Alexi. You can trust her."

The prince sighed, "If Em says you are to be trusted, then I am compelled to listen. Very well, lead the way."

Evangeline thanked Em for convincing the spoilt prince. Then she gathered her skirts and escorted him to the kitchen.

"One day, he will need to cut that attitude of his," Dathan said, "I know he is royalty and all but most of the time he acts like a little boy."

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