1. Ill Omen

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"What the Hell, Reyansh?", Mehek shouted at him while looking around to find any object that could hide her from his eyes, "Don't you know it is bad luck see the bride before wedding". Often Reyansh have had behaved weird, especially when stressed and baffled. But she never thought he would throw all caution in the air to meet her before the ceremony. In her desperate attempt to put herself out of his sight, she missed his dubiousness.

 "Mehek, I am sorry", Reyansh apologized. By the time, she managed to hide herself behind one of the curtains. Now she had a good look at him. She sympatised with him. Indeed, the poor guy was a train wreck. Over the years, her friend has changed a lot but one thing remained the same. He fails to handle pressure. One thing she has to take care once they are a couple. She will mold him into her perfect spouse so that they will live happily ever after, in their ideal habitat.

"Rey", Mehek sighed, still holding the curtain covering her, "go and ask your bestman for a strong drink". Reyasnsh shook his head in dismay. She truly felt bad for her cute fiance. "It's okay, Rey. We have been friends since kindergarten. This is just a juncture in our life". But Reyansh seemed get more tensed. He shook his head vehemently. "I can't do it", he whined, "our wedding can't happen". "WHAT ??", she shouted and jumped out of her hiding. 

Mehek's temper and impudence were not hidden to people who knew her well. So it was no wonder when Reyansh slowly moved to the door. Clearly he had devised a plan to escape from the scorned lady.  "I never wanted to marry you", he dropped the bomb on her while holding knob of the door, "my father forced me. He needs you for gathering more company shares. But I can't live with myself if I wed you". She was now shivering with fury while Reyansh slowly turned the door knob, "I have someone in my life", he gulped sensing heat of her anger, "someone I truly care and want to spend my life with". "REYANSH!!!", Mehek screamed but he was already out of the room. "Please forgive me, Mehek", he started to run away, "But I need to leave". "Reyansh", Mehek yelled and ran behind him.

The event management team and onlookers were aghast by the scene before them. The groom seemed to be running for his life. In a short while a screaming bride came chasing him. Before anyone could make sense of the commotion, groom has jumped into his car and driven off. The bride tried to run behind to catch him. But she was no match for the machine that sped out of the gates. 

As Mehek realised her folly, she fell on her knees and wept bitterly. Quickly the security team covered her from prying eyes & cameras. Sonal was summoned quickly to comfort her. Soon Mehek was taken back to the bride's room where elders of both families were called to join.

"Mehek, I had no clue", Sanjay Khurana, Reyansh's father whined. "We are aware of the truth since Mr.Reyash confessed that you had forced him. While staying behind the scene, you devised the entire plan to acquire her shares", Sonal accused him boldly. She had already suspected when Reyansh Khurana sprouted out of the blue as soon as Mehek legally owned her shares in Maan empire. "Absurd", Sanjay denied, "I would never". Sonal rolled her eyes while many started to see his true colours. 

"Mehek, please trust me", Sanjay requested. She was till now sitting silently being lost and hurt. She sprang to her feet as soon as the old man knelt to her side. "Listen to me carefully, Dear Uncle. I don't care whether you were plotting or innocent. Your spineless son cannot disgrace me on my own wedding day", she barked at him, "Find your son. Drag him back here  and get him marry me. If not..", she showed her forefinger to threaten, "I will make you regret the day you were born".

"That will be enough, Mehek", Sonal ushered her to a corner. Mehek was far from being calm, still yelling profanities at Khurana family while Sonal restrained her. Mr. Khurana was so embarassed before family & friends that he had to flee. His head was forced to bow in shame. First his son and now Mehek; his honour was dragged through mud in public. 

"Mehek, we need to call Nandita Aunty", Sonal proposed. She was about to deny vehemently but Sonal explained, "it's not personal anymore. Business is also involved. We cannot take more risks. Your mother still owns half of Maan's empire so she needs to be taken in confidence. She can help us to handle further". Mehek held her head in annoyance. Facing her mother, in this dire situation was the last thing she needed. But she was helpless. "Do whatever", she agreed.

"I am getting out of here", Mehek spoke once it was clear that her mother will be arriving soon. "Wait", Sonal knew it will be unwise to leave her alone, "I am coming with you". "It's okay, Sonal", she held her friend's shoulder, "I won't lie that I am not shaken", she blinked back her tears, "but not enough to break me", she pointed to her heart, "it's rock here. Chill! I will bounce back in not time". She tried her best to act cool.

Sonal's eyes also moistened as she knew it was partly true. Mehek had gone through a lot in her childhood that she has hardened herself. But she also knew the sensitive side of Mehek as well. Definitely she was affected by Reyansh's betrayal. Her wonderful wedding day was snatched away brutally. "Let me be with you", Sonal begged, "as a friend". Mehek laughed softly, "Thanks Sonal. But I need you here as my confidante. Please manage everything and handle my mother. I will be at ease if you are working with her to sort the mess", she squeezed Sonal's hands and spoke, "Meanwhile, I need some lone time to recuperate".

Sonal knew it was pointless now to persuade Mehek. Her boss hated to admit but she is sensitive and vulnerable. She always hid her sadness behind anger and arrogance. She may wail for hours and cry buckets but only in her quarters where doors are shut tight. "Please call me if you need anything", Sonal tried her best to show her solidarity. "I will be fine", with those word, she marched towards her car. She waved away her driver and grabbed keys from him. When she hit the gas, she had not destination. She just wanted to escape somewhere far. A spot where none knew her as a jilted bride.

Mehek was unaware how long she drove. But it was long enough for fuel to run out. She managed to park her car near a decent looking resort. As she entered, none seemed to be bothered to know whether she is a guest or not. All seemed to be welcome as some party was happening. Everyone seemed to be high on something. "Apt for me", she mused while moving around the crowd. While she tried to find a lone corner to get wasted, she noticed a man clad in white suit. 

"Reyansh", Mehek recalled her groom's wedding suit. She sped towards him. She didn't know why she wanted the person to be Reyansh. Once he was close enough, she tugged his forearm to turn his face to her, "Reyansh". She quickly realised her mistake. The man was dressed in a white suit but he was not Reyansh. "I am sorry", she apologized quickly, "I thought your were someone else". The man was without doubt intoxicated for he laughed out loud, "True, I am someone else".

"Name is Shaurya", he introduced himself while holding his hand forward. Mehek was indecisive but eventually she shook his hand, "Nice to meet you. I am Mehek". "Why don't you take a seat?", he asked her politely even when he was tipsy. She looked awkwardly around before taking his offer. She sat beside him while he drank from his glass. It seemed odd but they were dressed as a couple, a groom & bride from a white wedding. 

Shauyra gave Mehek a glass and poured from his bottle. "Have a drink. It is best whiskey in this bar", he gloated, "I am celebrating today. So join me". Mehek took a deep breath as she gazed at the drink kept before her. She grabbed the glass and gulped down the entire content in one go. "Go slow, Champ", he told her. "I can't", she laughed bitterly, "I am celebrating too".

"So you found your bride?", the elderly bar attender smiled at them. They looked at themselves and then eachother in surprise. Soon they both laughed realising his humour. "I told you, she will find you", he cheered Shaurya and left to attend next customer. "So you lost your bride, huh?", Mehek asked as she poured another drink for both of them. Shaurya looked down sadly. He twirled the liquid in his glass thoughtfully and replied, "Kind of"

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