19. Cornered

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Mehek needed answers. She wished to know the truth. Still more than explanation, she needed consolation and support. She was back to square one, without a family to back her. As usual, she dashed to her trustworthy friend, Sonal. Mehek was done waiting for her to call, so she rushed to her apartment. She banged on her door multiple times while sniffing and trying best not to break before she opens the door. But nothing prepared her for devastation that awaited behind the door.

Vivaan opened the door, answering Mehek. They both were astonished, trying best to cover their bewilderment. Wearing slackpants and plain vest, under a black apron that read 'kiss the cook", he appeared to be completely at home. "What are you doing here, Mr Kapoor?", she asked quickly. He gulped, unable to gather an apt response. 

"Is it the delivery guy, Viv?", Sonal's words rang from behind. Vivaan cringed while Mehek tried to overcome her shock. "It's Mehek", Vivaan replied swiftly although his nervousness was evident. In few seconds, Sonal rushed to Vivaan's side. Clad in comfortable house wear without any makeup or hairdo, Sonal appeared to be unprepared facing Mehek.

Mehek shifted her glance from Sonal to Vivaan and then again Sonal. It was clear as daylight, that they were more than acquaintances. "It's not like what it looks", Vivaan had courage to speak as if reading her mind. Mehek scoffed, "you all are in this together", she then looked sadly at Sonal, "I never expected this from you". As she turned and ran to escape the bitter truth, she could hear Sonal calling her name but she didn't stop.

Phone rang continuously. But Mehek ignored while running away. She wanted to escape poisonous environment where her best friend had backstabbed her. Soon she got tired. Eventually she stopped when she reached a deserted public park. She sat on a bench beneath shade, gasping for breath. She can forced herself to come in terms with Shaurya's betrayal but not the same from Sonal. She shivered while recalling the huge blow. Her phone rang again. Once again it was Shaurya.

Mehek wanted to end this whole charade so she decided to talk to Shaurya. "What the hell do you want?", she shouted over the phone. He took a deep breath to calm himself. He was worried as soon as Vivaan informed about her abrupt visit to Sonal's house. He was not yet over her slap, still wanted to work it out. "Come to me and let us discuss it as adults", he spoke firmly. "Your sleazy friend is fuc*king my assistant. Are you aware of it?", she demanded him. "It's their personal matter, Mehek. We don't have a say in it. Vivaan and Sonal can decide for themselves", he tried speak sensibly. But she accused him, "It was smart move to gain access to my company. How low could you fall so low ? I trust you. I trusted blindly", she sobbed, "how could she cheat me?". 

Shaurya felt bad for Mehek. He realised her wife has been receiving blows over blows, without getting time to recover. He was about to console her but she bursted out again. " What did you offer Sonal besides orgasms from your manwh*re partner? Money ? Better job? Were you also involved in the deal? Did you f*ck the bitch?", she rained angry words on him without filter. "Shut the f*ck up", he roared at her, "atleast once try to be mature and deal with the situation. Can't you see I am still trying to make us work?"

"US?", Mehek questioned Shaurya, "there is no us", she sobbed recalling their sweet moments, Not anymore. I can never be with a scum bag like you. I want a divorce", she was adamant. "Fine", he was equally adamant, "Even I don't want to be with you", he retorted in anger, "but you need me more, Mehek. I hold absolute control over your company". "I don't care", she stomped her feet in fury. "Remember our contract, Mehek", he spoke viciously, "you won't get a penny from me". "I don't want your filthy money", she yelled at him. "Then how will you survive my dear wife", he mocked her, "you won't last even for couple of hours out in the harsh world. Who will support you? Your mother? Or any of your fake friends?". 

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