13. Rebound Effect

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Shaurya and Mehek held hands while walking back home. After enjoying their moment in the lap of nature, nothing much was left to say. Or rather they didn't want to spoil the moment.  It was special as well as enigmatic. Evidently, they were getting comfortable in the newly found relationship. It may be too early to tag it with a name still couple found happiness in their comradeship. None were ready to complicate with words but happy let go with the flow. 

Mehek giggled when Shaurya humoured her. She felt like a newly wedded bride who is slowly finding romance with her man. The evening would have ended well if not for the uninvited guest waiting for them at the Ahlawat House. As soon as they entered, Resmi who was nervous as a scared mouse trotted to them. She told them softly, "Pranati is here".

"Mehek go and change, else you will catch cold", Shaurya told broodingly. Mehek didn't argue.  Giving a curt nod to Resmi, she rushed to their room. As she took a quick shower and changed to dry clothes, her mind was plagued with questions. Why is Pranati back? Is it to apologize or  reconcile? . "Mehek, come", Shaurya's voice startled her as she came out of her trance. She noticed that he had also changed while she was in shower. When she remained unresponsive, he held her hand and they walked into the hall together where Pranati was waiting. 

A quick glance itself made it clear to Mehek. Pranti is exact opposite to herself. A thin, tall and simply attired, elegant woman who appeared to be matured enough to handle any situation. Determination in her eyes made Mehek nervous. Despite awkwardness, she greeted the couple and initiated conversation. "I am Pranati", she introduced herself, "Shaurya's....friend". Mehek smiled oddly, "I know". As Shaurya remained silent, she cleared her throat to speak for herself. "I am Mehek", she remained unsure how to clear her status if Shaurya was unwilling.. "My Wife", he spoke firmly, clearing the air and Mehek's confusion.

Tension was dripping in the atmosphere. Mehek wished she could escape eventhough Shaurya will be left alone with his ex fiance. "I will bring tea", Resmi got up to leave. "I will also come", Mehek jumped but Shaurya caught her wrist, "Stay", he then turned to his mother, "Ma, please leave us alone for some time". As if expecting, Resmi quickly agreed and fled the scene. 

Minutes passed in silence until Pranati spoke timidly, "I am here to apologize". Mehek realised that her presence was making Pranati nervous. It was not appropriate for her to remain so she tried again to leave, "Perhaps, I will leave you both alone". "I want you to stay", Shaurya spoke firmly, "I don't have anything to hide from my Wife". "Are you kidding me?", Pranati scowled at him, "I know everything about your life, Shaurya. So don't act out your love story before me", she smirked at Mehek, "you can't fool the entire world, even your mother with your elaborate act. But not. Your Wife. My foot".

"Apologize", Shaurya roared at Pranati, "I will not tolerate anyone disrespecting my wife", he demanded banging on the table. She almost fell from her seat while Mehek was also stunned. Pranati seemed to be taken aback. She appeared to be ashamed of her behaviour. She quickly requested Mehek, "I am sorry, Mehek. Clearly I was out of line". "It's okay Pranati", she didn't want to put the latter on spot. Pranati was fighting her tears, "Its so difficult...This is not me...Please forgive me". "I understand", Mehek tried her best make her feel better.

 "What do you want, Pranati?", Shaurya shot at her, "Why are you here?", he sounded uninterested. He didn't hide a bit that he wanted her to leave as quickly as possible. Mehek realised that Pranati was not comfortable to converse in her presence. She too wished them to leave as it was getting difficult to remain amidst them.

 "I am pregnant", Pranati announced. Mehek slumped hearing her words, unable to move a muscle. When she gazed at Shaurya, his eyebrows were knitted questionably otherwise he didn't react. Myriad of questions stormed through Mehek while trying to make sense of the news. His silence was not helping her either. But when she recalled how he had fought for custody rights, on bleak possibility of having their child, she tried to calm herself. His cold response was screaming out loud about the paternity of Pranati's child yet Mehek remained apprehensive.

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