Lend both Ears

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Shaurya arrived home late. Pending work at office owing to his and Vivaan's absence acted as a mere excuse to stay away from his own home. He wanted to give space to Mehek. His mother had already warned him not to disturb Mehek unless she is ready. Resmi didn't want to put Mehek under any kind of pressure. He was glad as well as sad that his mother was closer to his wife than him. 

Being famished Shaurya rested on the couch while rubbing his aching neck. His mother may have left a casserole in the oven. Better reheat and consume in solitude of his room rather than disturbing ladies in his home. He reluctantly pushed away his fatigue to find his dinner. As he pushed the buttons of the oven, waiting for timer to chime, Mehek walked into the kitchen rubbing her sleep deprived eyes.

"Did I wake you up?", Shaurya was anxious, "I was trying to leave quietly after warming the food". She shook her head. "I couldn't sleep", Mehek told him earnestly, "thought of having some warm milk". He nodded, moving his hands to grab a glass for her. While she poured some milk and placed it in the microwave, he took his casserole, "I will eat in my room". "Won't you be comfortable having your food here?", she asked genuinely. He smiled vacantly, "I don't want to disturb you". They both stood silent for a moment until he tried to walk away. "Shaurya, let's sit here", her words made his heart flutter with joy.

It was awkward yet comforting. While Shaurya ate his dinner, Mehek sipped milk from her glass. They didn't speak but threw glances at one another, making it evident that they both wanted to talk but was afraid of responses. Soon she was done with her drink nevertheless waited until he finished his food. She stood behind as he placed dirty plates in sink. "Can we talk?", her words spiked his heartbeats in anticipation, still he responded calmly. Once again they both were seated in adjacent chairs of the dining table. 

"Let's get divorced, Shaurya", he was aghast when he heard Mehek, "Clearly we are not meant to be together. Why do we need to make us suffer more?". "No, Mehek", he quickly sprang to his feet and countered, "I don't agree. I don't want a divorce". "Why?", she spat at him. "Because I love you", he confessed in frustration, "more than you could imagine". She scoffed, "Where was your love, when you ill treated me like an unwanted luggage?". "It was always there, lashing and tormenting me whenever I hurt you", he spoke the truth, "I wanted to make you understand. But the more I tried, the more you became stubborn". "So the more you tried to break me", she spat at him, "Blame it on your ego. How convenient!"

"Why did you act like a damsel in distress? Where is the Mehek who didn't care about opinion of others? What happened to the Mehek who could look into the eye of paparazzis and defend herself even when she was lying? Why did you become so vulnerable?", Shaurya shot at her. "Because deep down, I am insecure and vulnerable. Someone who hardened while waiting being neglected. I would have maintained that farce unless you came crashing into my life", she sniffed, "you showed be affection. You gave me a mother who treasured me. Finally, I got a family of my own where I could be real. You made me fall in love. I trusted you so much that I opened myself to you". 

Mehek was on verge of tears but still gave back in vigour, "But you were always hiding. When I knew about your real identity, I was broken. It made me question my self-worth". "Your worth?", Shaurya was aghast, "Mehek you are the most precious for me. Not just me for many other. You may not agree but even for Mrs Maan you are so important. How could you even think that you are worthy?". "Because you made me", she sneered at him,"you were longer the man I knew. I didn't even know the truth about the man I love ".

"Because I was a coward, Mehek", Shaurya shouted as if he wanted to drill down the point to her, "I was waiting for the right occasion to tell you truth. I accept that I was not brave and it cost me dearly", he accepted his folly, "But I had no ill intention to grab your wealth. When Vivaan informed me about problems in Maan's business, I wanted to help Mrs. Maan just for your sake"

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