21. Fall Hard

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Mehek had an earful from Shaurya. She arrived late. Mr. Oberoi has already left without having a chance to enjoy coffee with her boss. So obviously fault is on her side for not treating his guest well. He taunted her again for her tardiness. Shaurya asked her to leave his cabin with the coffee she had delayed to bring not before mocking her to consume it while thinking through her mistake

Mehek glanced at the Mocha coffee which appeared to be mocking her. It was tough to ignore the tempting drink which is her favourite. Yet somehow she didn't have the appetite. She tried her best to forget her splitting headache. She moved the cup away, trying to drown herself in her tasks. Thanks to Shaurya's order to fetch coffee, her missed her lunch break. Not that she cared for her empty stomach. Just like her heart, her stomach also lost interest in life. While she got busy managing, his schedule and other details, she missed  to notice Vivaan who walked into Shauyra's cabin.

"All okay, Vivaan?", Shaurya quickly jumped onto his feet when Vivaan barged in. He glared at his friend, "Sonal refuses to go ahead without meeting Mehek", he snapped at Shaurya, "I don't care about your lame excuses or Mehek's outburst. I will meet her today to talk to her", Vivaan was adamant, "you don't realise how serious it is now". Before Shaurya could counter him, Mehek entered after a soft knock with some files. Vivaan glanced nonchalantly but his eyes widened when he recognised her. "Mehek, what are you doing here?", he was taken aback. His eyes moved from Mehek to Shauyra, anticipating an answer from either one of them.

Vivaan got worried as he noticed Mehek's condition. She looked like a shabby version of herself. "God! What have you done to yourself", he moved towards her with concern. Although Mehek detested Vivaan, she was warmed by his care. She looked blankly at Shaurya who acted to be least interested in her.

Vivaan studied Mehek in a minute. No amount of makeup could hide her hollow eyes and pale face. Her dry lips and bags beneath eyes screamed her condition. "Are you sleeping properly?", he asked, "When did you have a good meal last time?". His friends concern brought Shaurya under shadow. Anger had blinded him to see what his friend caught in few moments. Mehek was indeed looking unwell. She shifted uncomfortably before Vivaan while keeping mum. She tried to leave after leaving the files but Vivaan blocked her. 

"Mehek, please I beg you. I really need to tell you something", Vivaan begged her. "I don't want to talk to you", she rejected him haughtily. Shaurya became angry seeing her attitude towards Vivaan. "Ms. Maan, let me remind you. Vivaan is also your boss so be mindful before rejecting him your time", he tried to suppress her vigour while also gathering time for Vivaan to share his side. She mused silently weighing his words. "Stop it, Shaurya", Vivaan scolded him and turned to Mehek, "I beg you, Mehek. Listen to me for once. If not as a friend but as a human being". "Sir", she replied politely, "I am obliged to listen to anything related to work", she paused to take a sharp breath, "but nothing in personal level".

"See how ill-mannered she is , Vivaan", Shaurya had enough of the drama, "the more you plead, she will act prouder. Not even trying to understand the situation. Stupid woman". "Yes I am stupid', Mehek raised her voice, "else you wouldn't have taken advantage of me", she accused both of them, "you both robbed me. You used me to gain control of my family business". Vivaan rubbed his forehead in exasperation while Shaurya threw his hands in air in anger. "None of you considered me a human being then why should I ", she vent out her anger. 

Mehek tried to open the door and leave but Shaurya quickly grabbed her wrist. "Listen to me carefull....", but before he could rebuke her further, he felt her temperature. He quickly touched her forehead, "Mehek, you are burning". She pushed him back and yelled, "As if you care". "Mehek", he tried to stop her from leaving but she yelled at him, "Leave me alone".

"Are you a moron?", Vivaan scolded Shaurya, "or blind? Can't you see she is going through a lot? Instead of sorting out with her, you make her work like a slave. Without proper food or sleep. I thought you care of her". Vivaan's words did strike a cord with him. "I do care for her, Vivaan. Infact, I fell for her. You of all people should know about it. Dude, I love her. Else why would I have risked my fortune to save her business", he was hurt by his friend's accusation. 

Vivaan knew the truth that Shaurya did everything in his power to save Maan's empire. Unfortunately it appeared before Mehek that he did it to capture her legacy. "Shaurya, you are one of the smartest guys I have ever known. But sadly, you are ignorant in matters of heart, especially when it comes to women", he was brutally honest with his friend, "Mehek is a delicate woman who never got her share of love or care. In short period of time, you both fell in love still failed to nurture it", he turned the knob, "Give your ego a rest and take care of the woman you love. Talk to her properly. Else it will be too late". Vivaan decided to go behind Mehek. However he asked Shauyra  to remain away until he calms down.

Mehek wanted to escape the scene. She had no respite, despite trying her best. Day by day, her confidence was damaged and heart broken. Perhaps, she needs to listen to Vivaan or try to understand Shaurya's perception. May be Sonal had a valid reason to cheat her but she was unable to perceive. Above all, Shaurya's uncaring rude behaviour was hurting her a lot. Lack of a good friend or caring family member was tormenting her. 

Mehek waited for lift to arrive but it was taking forever. When she spotted few fellow colleagues walking towards lift, she decided to escape rather than exposing her agonized self. She moved fast towards the stairs, unfortunately to be caught by Vivaan. Before giving him another chance to smother her with his fake pleas, she tried to escape him. She ignored the dizziness, while taking the stairs swiftly. Clearly it was a wrong move because she lost balance then everything went dark.


Shaurya waited anxiously outside the emergency room. His world went in flames the moment he heard Vivaan screaming Mehek's name. When he rushed, his heart stopped. He watched Vivaan carrying an unconscious Mehek. People around them were trying to stop bleeding from her forehead while few worried whether the fall may have broken her neck. Her lifeless body petrified him. He was unable recall anything later until she was brought to hospital. He lost the time when they rushed her to safety.

 Doctors were taking forever to inform about Mehek's condition. Finally the door opened and a doctor walked to them. "A sprained ankle and small cut on the forehead. Thankfully no major injuries. She will wake up once sedatives wears off ", his explanation brought solace to them. "But she seems to be really sick. She is under lots of stress, without proper food or sleep. Have you informed her family?", he asked them. Vivaan threw an angry glance at Shaurya who introduced apologetically that he is Mehek's husband. "Let's keep her here for couple of days. She needs proper rest. You can meet her when she wakes up", he spoke unsurely, "she may need a psychological counselling. Her mental health is as important as physical health".

"What shall I do, Vivaan?", Shaurya sat defeated. He had almost lost Mehek. The devastating moments made him evaluate his thoughts and actions. His ego won't compensate loss of his loved ones. He was now ready to bow before her tantrums, if she comes back to life. All he wanted was Mehek to be well. "Quit your stubbornness", his friend advised earnestly, "be the man who fell for her". Shaurya nodded as he already knew it. Vivaan patted his shoulder, giving him the support to go through the tough time. 

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