7.Fake Spouse or Real Foe

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"So what do you do for a living?", Sonal asked Shaurya. Her eyes and words were cleverly scrutinising the stranger who made just one demand to her boss in return of the deal. Take Mehek to his mother and introduce her as his bride. His ask was simple but it made Sonal suspicious. He is sinister and his plain expectation even more.

On the other hand, despite Sonal's sour attitude, Shaurya liked her. He could comprehend that she is loyal and smart. Unlike her boss, who is gullible and fake. Probably, she had a tough time to even pay for her education nevertheless achieved heights owing to determination and hard work. He could related to Sonal more than her boss who was born as an heiress.

"I am in hotel business", before Shaurya could continue, he paused for a second. Perhaps it is unwise to reveal his whole identity to them. The less they knew about him, the better he will be. He looked away nervously while Sonal urged him to go on. Suddenly he saw Vivaan out of the corner of his eye. "You may know Vivaan Kapoor. The successful hotelier", Sonal nodded as he spoke, "I work for him". Both ladies seemed to be convinced as Vivaan walked in. 

"Where were you Shaurya?", Vivaan was anxious, "we are late to visit our legal team". Before Vivaan could spoil his cover, Shaurya pitched in, "Vivaan, meet Ms Maan and her secretary". Vivaan's eyes widened in shock but he was clever enough to deduce the situation so he kept quiet. Apart from a curt nod, he didn't react much.

"You address your boss with his first name?" Sonal questioned Shaurya. "We are college mates", Shaurya explained cautiously, "so before becoming my boss , he is my close friend". "That so cute", Mehek spoke adorably while Sonal rolled her eyes, "Even me and Sonal are close friends. I always ask her address me informally but she often calls me as Ms. Maan in public". Sonal grabbed Mehek's hand beneath the table, stopping her from spilling more details. Somehow she wasn't convinced with Shaurya and wanted to protect Mehek. 

"So how shall we take it from here?", Shaurya tried to steer away the topic. Besides, he was eager to appease his mother. Before Mehek could speak Sonal intervened, "Some paper needs to be signed to protect interest of both parties. Then few public appearances. Later..". "I have to take Ms.Maan to my mother in couple of days", Shaurya cut her in and demanded firmly, "it's non - negotiable. We need to leave at the earliest". Sonal wanted to contradict but Mehek gestured giving her consent. Sonal sighed, "Fine, then I will get the papers finalised. You both need to sign it by tomorrow", she looked at Shaurya, "please bring your lawyer too". He nodded, impressed by her professionalism. 

Shauyra was startled when Mehek snaked her arm around his elbow. "Now that I have agreed to your condition. As a first step of our mutual agreement, I want you to walk out with me and act out like a married couple before media", she spoke swiftly clearing his confusion. "Excuse me?", he was baffled. Vivaan suppressed his laughed sensing his apprehension. He knew how much Shaurya hated cameras. "I can't act before media", he angst was evident, "I am not like you". "What do you mean by YOU?', Mehek seemed to have taken offence. He was surprised when she moved too quick from cute doll to angry bird. Yet he didn't change his attitude, "I meant people who make a living by flashing their fake life to outer world and make buck from it". 

"You...", Mehek was about to bash him but Sonal intervened again, "Mr. Ahlawat, let us all show one another some respect to paddle out of the muddy pool". "More like quick sand", Vivaan added his two cents. When they glared at him, he explained, "Look ladies, my friend is extremely camera shy. If you expose him before paparazzi, I assure the entire act will fail in moments". Both women thought for a moment. "Fine. Just act normal", Mehek told them. While Shauyra remained baffled, Sonal explained, "She means to walk out, act surprise when they surround you and go to your vehicle avoiding them. This way you are not advertising yourself but coming out as normal". "Sounds good", Vivaan gave him courage.

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