22. You are worth it

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"I should have kept her with me", Nandita felt so low, "It's all my fault". Shaurya had to inform her about Mehek. He had expected her lash out at him for spoiling her girl's life. But Nandita was not a typical mother in law. She took time to absorb the situation after hearing from him. Yet he least expected her to accept her guilt. "She was so confused and sad. I should have given her space and time to think peacefully. Perhaps my actions forced her to come back to you without mending your differences", she sighed, "I didn't give her a choice. I rushed her to go back". 

Shaurya and Nandita sat on extreme ends of a bench in the waiting lounge. Both feeling burdened heavily by weight of guilt. "I never wished to own Maan empire", he explained, "I did it for Mehek, to make her happy". Nandita nodded, "I know. I am aware that you have already transferred everything to her name", she added quickly", "I took your name as my successor to impress others. I never meant to sideline, Mehek. It is her legacy", 

"Nothing else matters", Shaurya confessed, "I just want her to be  happy and cheerful. Like before". "I wanted her to have good life with you", Nandita spoke her heart, "I thought she was acting in haste when she demanded divorce. Why didn't I take enough effort to clear misunderstanding between you two?  I should have explained that you hold no interest to own the company", she sighed, "Perhaps I was afraid she may act rashly. Sadly, my words  added to darken her misconception". He felt so low being tough on Mehek, "I was adding to her woes when she refused see my side. My disappointment and anger grew. I failed to see her despair because I always though it as her stubbornness". 

"I always tried my best to give Mehek the best in life. Maan empire is her legacy. I strived all my life to bring it to excellence for her future", Nandita told the truth, "But I failed as a mother". "And I failed as a husband", Shaurya pitied himself, "All my life, I despised rich kids. They are born with a silver spoon but still whined while we struggled to prove ourselves. At first, I had same impression about Mehek but she proved to be wrong. We spend happy life till we arrived here. Why did I even come back?", he was rebuking himself. "Because your life is here", Resmi's firm voice startled them both. 

Shaurya saw Vivaan walking behind his mother. He quickly understood his friend had summoned Resmi. "Hi, I am Resmi Ahlawat. Mehek's mother-in-law", she introduced herself to Nandita, "I wish we could have met under better circumstances". Nandita nodded, expressing that the feeling was mutual.

When Resmi turned to Shaurya, he didn't utter a word but simply embraced and wept on her shoulder, "I spoiled it all, Ma". Vivaan who was still unsure regarding Shaurya's reaction on arrival of his mother was now at ease. He was happy to have taken the apt decision to help his friends. "I know", she consoled him, "Let's hope there is still time to repair your wrong doings", she then made him face her, "that is if you are willing to make amends. Else leave the poor girl to her fate". "Ofcourse Ma. I love Mehek", he confessed his feelings, "I will do anything for her".

 Resmi had expected the same from her son so she was happy by the reassurance. She looked back at Nandita and spoke, "Let us do our best to heal our Mehek", she then looked at Vivaan and sighed, "not for forget about her friend Sonal". A nurse came out and informed that Mehek is awake.

Nurse had helped Mehek to lean against the pillows. She sat on her bed comfortably while drinking water offered by the nurse. "Your family will be here shortly", nurse informed before egressing. She sat silently wondering whether it is her mom or Shaurya who will be entering while raining their taunts on her. Perhaps it will be just Vivaan who had come to show his benevolence. Probably, Shaurya and her mother are too busy to visit her. She sat numb trying to pent up her sorrow, preparing herself to meet her so-called family. 

"Mehek", she heard Shaurya's voice, brimming with care, "How are you now?". For a moment, she wanted to bask in his care but she knew it is vain. She replied plainly, "Better". He and her mother stood beside her bed. "We were so worried", her mother's affectionate voice touched her but she ignored them as hollow words. She looked up to see Vivaan who stood behind silently, just giving a slight wave of hand. But as soon as she saw the person standing beside Vivaan, she broke down with a shrill sound. "Ma", she cried out extending her hands towards Resmi.

Resmi didn't waste another moment to rush to Mehek's side. She kept on uttering consoling words to Mehek while she wept against her chest. Shaurya was least surprised as he was aware of their bond whereas Nandita was taken aback. She quickly realised that Mehek always needed unconditional maternal support which Resmi provided her. "I am here, Mehek", Resmi rubbed her back providing her comfort, "I will always be there for you, Mehek". Mehek was still crying her heart out. Shaurya felt ashamed that he failed to see agony of the woman whom he claims to love. He rushed out of the room.

"Escaping?", Vivaan taunts brought Shaurya back to world. He was gazing out aimlessly after coming out of Mehek's room. "Thanks for bringing Ma", he had to thank his friend. Vivaan took a deep breath as if adding preface of an impending tough talk. "You and Mrs. Maan are business nerds but unfortunately not wise enough to understand a woman's heart", he chuckled, "infact, a little girl's heart". He knew it was brutal to accuse Shaurya but he needed to hear it out.

Shaurya looked down being guilty. His friend side hugged him, "I wasn't blaming you. Even Mehek has her shortcomings but she is soft and fragile so you have to be extra tender". "I don't want to lose her", Shaurya hiccuped as his eyes brimmed with tears. "I believe you won't", Vivaan reassured him, "but now let's focus on Mehek's wellbeing". They both agreed. "You are a fighter. I am sure you won't give up", Vivaan try to boost his confidence, "Moreover, Mehek loves you". "How do you know?", Shaurya asked abruptly. "She wouldn't be so hurt if she didn't love you", he replied, leaving him with a pat on back.

Meanwhile Resmi was trying her best to console Mehek. "My darling child", Resmi wiped off tears from her cheek. Mehek had cried her heart out. She felt a lot better after venting out her sorrow. "What have you done to yourself, my girl?", Resmi rebuked her affectionately, "look at yourself. Where is my cheerful sweet heart? My pretty doll? ". Mehek sniffed and asked her genuinely, "Am I just a trophy? Simply a name tag of my family ? Don't I deserve better?". "Ofcourse, you deserve the best", she was alarmed on how Mehek could think so low of herself. She looked behind at Nandita who looked down guiltily. 

Realising that people around Mehek made her feel unworthy, Resmi decided to give her a reality check and confidence booster.  "Mehek, you are a beautiful, confident and intelligent woman", she spoke slowly but firmly as if Mehek needs to copy it in her heart, "Moreover, you are a kind natured person who will not wish bad for another. You are beautiful inside and out. Never let anyone say otherwise", she ended her speech with a glare to Nandita and then gazed back at Mehek lovingly, "not even my son".

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