8.Fall into place.

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Never in her life, Mehek had felt so inappropriate while using another person's room. She was in the guest room where Shaurya had asked her to stay. She was intelligent enough to realise that it had belonged to a woman, most probably his fiance. 

Ex-fiance, Mehek corrected herself. She found the wardrobe has few cloths while minimal toiletries were left in the bathroom. The woman in question has cleaned her stuffs pretty neatly while leaving Shaurya at altar. After changing into the loose shirt and pants that Shauyra had loaned her, she looked on to the bed. A wave of uneasiness, crept on her. Images of her new husband making love to his ex flashed before her eyes. 

Mehek shook her head in disapproval. She is no one to judge their choices. Times have changed. Not everyone wishes to wait till their wedding night. Above all, Shaurya seemed to be truly in Love. It is justifiable to take your relationship to next level when you are deeply committed. She laughed at herself for being stupid to chastise herself for long, only to lose herself to a stranger. A stranger who is your husband. A good man who is any day better than puny Reyansh. Her inner voice screamed at her. She grabbed her temples, admonishing not to overthink; especially not about Reyansh.

Shaurya once again filled Mehek's thoughts. He seemed to be a man of principles. He doesn't seem to be after money or fame. She had met many of his kind but even such men usually found her attractive and often tried to be good. But he was not friendly towards her.For some reason Shaurya hates rich snobbish brats. She couldn't blame him for she had spend enough days in hostels to detest spoiled kids from rich family. She just felt unhappy that he had already tagged her as one without even trying to know her. 

Like I am bothered Mehek fanned herself haughtily. Still she wished they would be on amicable terms. Only because I can sail through this ordeal easily . She reminded herself , laughing at her own antics. She tried distraction yet her thoughts came back to Shaurya too soon. He seemed to be a family man. She recalled his words and deeds, making it clear that he was truly cares for his family & friends. Perhaps his love for his ex fiance was also righteous. While Mehek was more inclined to the idea of perfect wedding & happily ever after with Reyansh, Shaurya was more into caring & loving the person he planned to marry. 

Mehek sighed at her observation. She knew where she stood.If Reyansh had bargained a conditions to stay in his illicit relation but still go through the ceremony, Mehek would have agreed. Because she would have been desperate to save her perfect day while ruining her life. In a way, she was thankful that Reyansh lacked lucrative tactics of his father else she would have been stuck in a horrible marriage to appease her image. She wasn't proud of herself but it was the truth. She would have bargained poorly to keep a perfect outward appearance while crying behind closed doors. Even now, she is trying to paint a pretty picture of her so-called love marriage rather than clear the air. 

Perhaps Shaurya is right. I am a fake hollow rich b*tch. Mehek pitied herself. She failed to be annoyed at him. He is heart broken and hurt. It is natural to be to be frustrated, taking out your anger on others. Besides, he knew her too little to assume her to be a phoney. For him, she is a socialite who is only after for her own gains. Unfortunately or fortunately, his mother's happiness got tied up in the mess. Else she is sure, he wouldn't have agreed to be part in the foul play. 

Mehek wondered about Shaurya's mother, whether she will be a typical mother-in-law. Even then, she had no other go but behave and endure. Shaurya was in this game only because of his mother and she cannot risk being on bad side of him. His mother seemed to be his strength and weakness. Time like these, she thanked her fate of being estranged from her family. She didn't have anyone to appease or convince.

The room reeked an eerie sensation that was not easy to shake off. Mehek rubbed her arms and palms. In few moments, she decided to head out and sleep in the hall rather than been tortured whole night. The couch was small and uncomfortable. She tried her best to make most of it. Few more hours, then it will be morning. "What are you doing here?", Shaurya's voice startled her. 

In few words, Mehek tried her best to explain while not angering him. She was all set to hear an earful from him. But apart from an understanding nod, he didn't react otherwise. He studied the couch for few seconds and suggested, "Why don't you go and rest in the master bedroom? I will take the couch". She admired his chivalry. The couch was small even for her petite figure. So she could imagine, how a tall man like him will fit in. So she politely declined, "Let's be practical. I will be fine here. It's just for few hours". "After paper work, we will be travelling to my home. Trust me when I say, it will be a long tiring journey. So you need to rest properly tonight". His words made sense but even then he too needs to sleep comfortably. They both thought for few minutes.

"Let us sleep together in the master bedroom", Shuarya spoke decisively. Sensing the shock in Mehek's eyes, he added to clarify, "I mean the bed is big enough for both us to sleep peacefully without disturbing one another". She thought before answering his offer. It was not their first time sharing a bed. Last time they were drunk and crossed all barriers. Her cheeks blushed recalling their passionate night while trying hard to keep a poker face. Deep down she trusted her husband of one day, that he will not try to take advantage of her. His suggestion seems to be most viable one for the night. She nodded and followed him into the room.

Shuarya walked to his side of the bed, without giving her choice where she shall sleep. It was clear that he is disinterested in her opinion in the matter. Mehek was never particular about sides so she made herself at home at the other end. "Do you want to keep any lights on?", he asked formally. When she shook he head, he turned off the lights and went to sleep. She mimicked his mode, staying in the edge to avoid accidentally brushing other. She said a silent prayer and rested her eyes. Her decision to remain awake vapourised as fatigue took over her. The house, the atmosphere in the room and mayhap presence of someone who made her feel protected, pushed her to succumb to deep slumber.

Soft, supple, warm and snoring.... Wait when did my pillow start to snore. Shaurya tried to wake from his slumber. His eyes were graced with beautiful sight of his new wife sleeping on his chest. Her soft snores gave away that she was in deep sleep. He already realised that she is a late riser and heavy sleeper. Ensuring that she is fast asleep, he carefully removed unruly hair from her face. He had to admit that despite smeared make up and awful hairstyle, Mehek Singh Maan was naturally cute. 

Mehek moaned in sleep, clinging closer to Shaurya's hard body. While his eyes were admiring her beauty, other body parts were equally content with their share of admiration. Her assets were pressing on his hard chest . His hands have already roamed to cup her derriere while her thighs were on his hipbone. He cannot lie that it was not enjoyable yet he was cautious. Still he couldn't bring himself to remove from the sweet nectar of temptation. His body and mind made peace, deciding to give in for some more time until she was blissfully unaware of the delightful torture she is bestowing on him. Later a cold shower will be served to punish his indulgence.

Hope you slept well. Shaurya bit his tongue not to ask. The wee hours of morning when he stayed awake holding her body was enough to be aware that she slept well. He was smart enough to leave the bed before Mehek woke. He managed to go for a walk to pick up coffee and some sandwiches. When he was back, she was found awake. "Coffee", he extended the portable cup to her. "Thanks", she accepted it but added, "But I am a tea person. I have noticed that you like black coffee. Hope I am not wrong". He didn't reply. He smiled while sipping his coffee but his aloofness was evident. It was getting difficult for her to bottled it up.

"Mr. Ahlawat, sorry for being intrusive but I am trying my best to amicable", Mehek started with a preface, "to keep up the charade, we can't stay strangers. We need to know about one another". Shaurya had to agree that she has a point. "But with some boundaries", he added up. In reflex, images of their morning together flashed before his eyes and his pushed them away immediately. "Ofcourse, Mr Ahlawat. We can set some basic rules for smooth sail without disrupting our individual lives. Who knows may be we will part as friends when it is all over", she tried to be optimistic. Once again, he didn't respond to her remark, just drank his coffee while hiding sudden surge of emotions in him.

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