11.Coming out of Shells

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"You don't know how to ride a bicycle", Shaurya was taken aback when Mehek nodded. His shock soon gave way to mockery. "The great Mehek Singh Maan doesn't know how to ride a bicycle. Hilarious ! ", he laughed out loud while taunting her. She pouted and crossed her arms across her chest. Over past few days, Mehek and Shaurya stared to share a unique comradeship. Being away from their busy lives, they both were able to shed their masks and try to be real for few days. 

Mehek managed to prove him wrong, faulting his judgements while Shaurya didn't let her live in fear of his stoic image. They saw a new but true face of one another while trying to make most of their tiny vacation. The fake marriage, their contract and all other problems awaiting them didn't bother them for the time being.

"I am going back to Ma", Mehek angrily turned her face,"I will tell her that you made fun of me". "Please don't do that", Shaurya stopped her cautiously. Over the time, his mother has grown so fond of her daughter-in-law that she always gave her first preference. He was sure to be scolded if she knew he had mocked Mehek. He held both his ears, begging for her to reconsider, "I was just kidding". But she huffed and turned away. "C'mon, don't be a spoil sport", he tried to persuade her.

"Truce", Shaurya called out,"how about I will teach you ride?". Mehek was unsure but the idea was tempting. She always wanted to learn and roam around freely on her own. He did a high punch in the air when she timidly accepted his offer. He quickly grabbed her wrist, rushing them into their old garage. The following hours were spend in exploring the abandoned relics in the garage until they found his old bicycle and side wheels. Resmi also joined them intermediately. She couldn't help but laugh out loud when they both emerged covered in sweat & dirt. Like a caring mother, she helped them to clean up and served refreshments to her famished children.

While Mehek relaxed sipping fresh lime juice with Resmi, Shaurya was still onto the task of fixing his cycle. In between, Mehek brought the glass of juice to him so that he can have taste of it while working. She carefully brought it near his mouth, urging him to drink as he diligently carried out repair work. Resmi watched their adorable deeds with affection. "It is still in good condition", he told them enthusiastically, "a bit of tinkering, then good as new". "Ofcourse it will be", Resmi spoke proudly, "your father always bought the best for you", she then spoke to Mehek, "Shaurie was always on his bicycle roaming here & there, until Pranati....". Resmi bit her tongue as she accidentally slipped. 

Shaurya glared at his mother momentarily before acting to turn deaf ear. Mehek on the other hand tried to act normally and urged her Resmi to complete, "Until what happened, Ma?". Realising that an unfinished truth is dangerous, Resmi spoke, "Until Pranati showed no interested to ride with him. She preferred to walk around with her sketch book. It was her thing", she exhaled, "soon it became his habit too". She sighed recalling their childhood where her son made adjustments to adhere to likes & dislikes of Pranati. She walked away, making excused to prepare food.

"Do you miss her?", Mehek asked while helping Shaurya to wash his hands. He splashed water onto his face, trying to dodge her question. She understood perhaps it was not her place to ask. Being amicable with him didn't give her right to question about his love life. Especially when it had ended in heart burn. As he dabbed towel on his face, she chose to leave quietly but he held her hand, "I don't know Mehek. It feels odd that I am not deeply affected by her betrayal. She was always my priority. Sadly, I was not even an option for her". 

"Do you want to talk about it?",Mehek offered Shaurya her support. She earnestly wanted to help him. "Will you be able to bear?, he asked honestly. She knew it was dangerous to step into his personal space. If he opens up then she may also expected to share her past. Yet curiosity got best of her. Besides, Shaurya looked like he needed someone who can listen and lend a shoulder.

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