6.In your mother's eye

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"It's hot news", Vivaan laughed softly as he spoke to Shaurya while he gazed at his friend's vague photograph with socialite Mehek Singh Maan. "News?" Shaurya scoffed, "Hardly worth a minute's attention. It's just a juicy gossip for idle minds", he spoke animatedly, "Not a big deal".

Vivaan knew that Shaurya never cared about fame. He always wished to stay behind scenes even when he is backbone of their company. "It's a big deal for someone like her", Vivaan pointed it out. Shaurya didn't want to think about her, his new wife. Her bratty behaviour in the morning had pissed him off. She can go to hell, if she thinks money can buy it all for her. The more he heard about her from Vivaan, his dislike grew. 

She is nothing but a social butterfly born with a silver spoon in her mouth. A face used to market her company while many toiled to drive it to success. A heiress who reaps profit while deserving people failed to get their due credit. A woman who loves to portray her fake life in social media just to garner more attention. Sadly her popularity is going to hit her worse.

"Too bad your face is not clear. Still people who know you may recognize", Vivaan teased him lightly. Shaurya didn't show his uneasiness while trying to dodge him, "who in their senses will read such tabloids?". "I know someone who is a fan of them", although words were light, Vivaan sounded serious, "Someone who is naïve enough to believe it all", he paused to assure that he had full attention of Shaurya, "your mother". A cold shiver ran over Shaurya's spine as he thought about his mother.

Resmi Ahlawat is a doting mother and pillar of strength of her son. Yet she is a gullible lady who lost her temper quickly. Shaurya still not able to comprehend how she will take up news of Pranati breaking up with him. Rather than consoling him, she may even blast him for taking his fiancee for granted. She has a penchant for acting mother hen to girls who were close to their family. Perhaps, it was her way to fill the void of not having a daughter. If a scandal of her son with some heiress reached Resmi's ears, it will be catastrophic. 

"I hope Ms.Maan doesn't give any statement that may harm you", Vivaan broke his train of thoughts. "Such as", Shaurya asked while trying hard to hide his anxiety. "Like you took advantage of her", Vivaan explained, "Then law and media will turn in her favour. She will be a victim sucking all sympathy". Shaurya groaned and rubbed his forehead. He didn't care about the entire world but his mother shall not misunderstand him. His mother is an innocent mind that is susceptible to vile articles published by gossip sellers. Few words could paint him as a dishonest and immoral man. He need to act quick but wise.

Vivaan's phone rang. He read the name of the caller and showed it to Shauyra. Resmi Aunty. Shaurya had been ignoring her calls, so was Vivaan. Both knew it cannot go on. "Please help me to handle her", Shaurya requested Vivaan. So many times Shaurya had acted as his guardian angel, saving him from disgrace. So Vivaan didn't even think another second before jumping to rescue his friend. He attended the call on speaker. 

"Vivaan, where is Shaurya? Why is he not picking my calls", Resmi Ahlawat's anxious voice was heard, "I am so worried about him after Pranati called me". Both men were baffled when they heard her name. "She informed me that  she had called off the wedding", Resmi added, "she didn't dare to talk to me further else I would have give her an earful". They sighed. Atleast Pranati had decency to reach out to Shaurya's mother. "My poor boy will be broken", she sobbed, "I know how much he loved Pranati. Where is he, Vivaan? Has something happened to my Shaurie?', she wept.

Shaurya was about to speak but Vivaan stopped him. "Aunty, Shaurya is fine. He is with me...I mean not with me right now..... but staying at my place", he lied to avoid her insistence to talk to her son, "he is hurt but your son is much stronger than we give credit to him". Shaurya could sense his mother smiling through tears. "He will explain everything to you once he is stable", Vivaan continued to pacify her, "He needs some time to gather himself but he will. I will bring him to you as soon as possible", he promised. 

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