14. A sloppy solution

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"Why can't these servants keep to themselves?", Shaurya was visibly irritated. Mehek watched him dubiously. Things were moving smoothly until she had heard one of the maids filling her mother-in-law's ears.

"Mehek Baby is adorable", the maid started with a compliment which pleased Resmi, "any mother-in-law will be lucky to have her". Resmi hummed happily to her words. "But I don't know whether the same can be said about Shaurya Baba". Resmi glared at her, "What do you mean?". "Pardon me, Ma'am. But these aged eyes have seen many couples that I tend to doubt them", she added enough prefaced to rouse curiosity, "They seemed to good friends rather than married couple. They are always like playing around, visiting places in bicycle,...but nothing more. Mehek Baby seems to be closer to you rather than her husband". "What are you saying?", Resmi asked her angrily, "Do you expect my son to openly romance my daughter in law before my eyes. They are modern but not shameless". "Not at all", she held her ears in reproachfully, "but a bit of more closeness is expected from married couple. That too from love marriage".

The maid managed to sow seeds of doubt in Resmi's mind but she remained strong. "Mehek is daughter of a cultured family. And you very well know about my son. How can you expect them to roam around trees and fool around openly? Don't you dare share these baseless assumptions elsewhere". The maid acted to cover in fear, nodding her head, "OfCourse Ma'am. I agree since I know better. It's just that in villages rumours spread quickly". Her words made Resmi anxious, "What rumours?".  "People say Shaurya Baba bought a new bride just to appease you and save his face. Some even say that Mehek Baby is just a pawn to make Pranati  Baby envious. What do you think? ".  Resmi vexed unable to defend her son. She chided the maid who scurried away but not before numerous questions in Resmi's mind

Mehek had accidentally eaves dropped the verbal exchange between the two women in kitchen. At first, she didn't pay much heed since Resmi had herself shot down the allegations, giving an earful to the maid. But slowly she started to sense slight disturbance in her mother-in-law. Before it could grow dangerously, she informed Shaurya. 

Shaurya was quite tensed by the revelation. He was well aware of his mother's nature. She will remain silent while cooking up multiple theories in her mind until most toxic level  is reached being unbearable to hide. Then she will confront Shaurya to gather the truth. She will use her best of weapons of emotional blackmail on him to spill out the truth. It will be difficult for him to lie to her in dire situation. If truth is spilled, she will be hurt deeply. So he had to soon nip the doubts from his mother's mind.

"We can pull up an act of lovey-dovey", Mehek suggested but Shaurya shook his head. "Ma will suspect if we change our behaviour all of a sudden", his words made sense to her. "These people corrupted her mind. Let's use them to make things right", he suggested. Mehek couldn't gather his move so he grinned wickedly.

Next day. "Are you sure it will work?", Mehek asked skeptically. They were walking towards a deserted stable near Ahlawat Bungalow. "I hope so", Shauyra replied while leading her, "There are no longer horses kept here. A watchman comes at night to guard it, occasionally someone is hired to clean it. A lonely spot not far from our home. Perfect for us". She still looked around nervously. "I am sure atleast some people working in our Bungalow will pass through this place and notice us", he assured her. She nodded unsurely. Unless someone spots them in the seemingly sinister place, their plan is a failure.

"What shall we do here?", Mehek asked looking around. Shauyra had already made himself comfortable under a tree. "There is not even a good view from here. Just a dilapidated stable", she complained. "Exactly", he pointed it out, "not a place for sightseeing or any kind of other attraction. What will you expect when you find a couple here?". She rolled her eyes but saw his point. It is easy to assume that they have come to spend time alone. "So what shall we do?", she asked. "Nothing but wait", he patted the spot beside him, "just sit close to me. Once someone who spot us, we may act a bit cozy. I hardly think it is needed. People would have already used their own imagination to spin our tales". She sighed before sitting beside him. "Closer", he pulled her to him and wrapped his hands around her waist. She gulped to overcome the warmth spreading across her due to his unforeseen proximity.

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