18. The One & Only

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Mehek wasn't surprised when Vivaan whisked away Shaurya as soon as they landed. "Wait for me at the hotel", he pecked her cheek before parting, "I know I have been ignoring you for past few days. Trust me I am helpless". "I understand", she didn't want him to feel guilty. "All will be fine by today. I promise", he held her hands, "I can't wait to have you alone". "Me too", she squeezed his hands. "I will explain everything once I am back", he promised, "till then please bear with me". She nodded and told him not to worry about her. 

Mehek waved as her husband drove away in the car Vivaan had brought. The vehicle arranged to take her to hotel soon arrived. She tried reaching Sonal multiple times but was unsuccessful. In her new found bliss, she slightly lost contact with her trusted lieutenant with whom she had entrusted her entire work. She rebuked herself to be more diligent and learn from Shaurya. It was time for her focus on her career as well.

Sonal's phone was continuously unreachable. Soon Mehek got worried for her friend. She knew her too well to deduce that something is wrong else she would have picked her calls. She decided to visit Sonal in person. Before she could ask driver to take diversion, her phone rang. She froze reading the name of caller. Reyansh. Her shock soon grew to anger. She cut his call furiously. Yet Reyansh seemed to be persistent, trying to reach her multiple times. Finally done being annoyed, she decided to end her torture and picked his call. 

"What do you want?", Mehek barked at Reyansh. "Thank God, you picked up", he exhaled in relief, "Mehek please come quickly to office. A board meeting is being held to overthrow your mother". "What ?? How?? Why??", Mehek was perplexed while shooting questions. "It's my father's doing", he confessed guiltily, "he is trying to influence major shareholders and trying to bring Maans down. Nandita Aunty is cornered, her position is at risk. In a desperate attempt to keep up, she may shut down your business", he informed her.

Mehek fumed in anger. How dare she? She had trusted Sonal to take care of her business during her absence. How could Sonal remain quiet until now? It was hard to trust Reyansh. Still she knew her mother well enough to know that Mrs Nandita Maan will sacrifice her daughter's dream project than lose her own chair. "Mehek, I know I wronged you but trust me this information is true. Please act before you lose everything. Besides, someone else is playing in background, Buying company shares in bulk from market", he implored her before ending the call. Mehek saw no harm in reaching her office and checking the truth. She quickly gave address to driver and asked him to drive fast.

Receptionist directed Mehek to the room where the meeting was happenings. They all were taken aback by her sudden return, still none dared to stop her. She was after all, the only heiress of Maan empire. Moreover, they all were aware of her temper and nature. When she pushed open the doors and dramatically entered the meeting, all members in the room especially her mother looked surprised. Still Nandita was smart enough to hide it quickly, gesturing her to take a seat.

"Perfect timing", Sanjay Khurana jumped with a vicious smile, "Princess arrives just in time when her Queen mother will be dethroned. I am sure she will enjoy". For a moment, Mehek was concerned for her mother. However as soon as she saw the signature smirk on Nandita's face, she knew her mother was still in control. "I never gave up, Sanjay", Nandita spoke sweetly. "You have no other go, Nandita Maan", he challenged her, "all major shareholders in this room are in my favour". "I still have one person in my side. And he owns the majority of shares", Nandita countered him. "Who is he?", he asked sarcastically.

"A new generation entrepreneur", Nandita announced her supporter, "The man behind success of V&S group of companies. The one & only Mr. Shaurya Ahlawat". All were surprised while Mehek was stunned when Shaurya marched in with his assistant. "You may know him as Mehek's husband", Nandita addressed her audience but she was subtly taunting Sanjay. Shaurya stood confidently before the entire crowd although he was burning under Mehek's gaze. 

"How is it possible? How can he compete with our shares?", Sanjay was aghast. "While you carelessly sold your shares to gain finance to bribe others, Mr. Ahlawat was behind all purchases. Moreover, did you forget about the locked shares that Mehek's grandmother left for her marriage? The same shares for which you planned to use Reyansh?", Nandita's eyebrows danced mocking Sanjay, "Those shares are also now legally his as well Mehek's. So you see, he is the largest shareholder. If he chooses, even I have to step down", she announced, "But he has respectfully asked me to continue. You got the picture, didn't you Sanjay?".

The game changed in matter of minutes. Sides were switched in mere moments. All members in the room now supported Shauyra and Nandita. Sanjay was forced to retreat. Mehek was still trying to make sense out of the entire situation. "I take this opportunity to announce Mr. Shaurya Ahlawat as my successor", Nandita's words pierced Mehek. Once again, her mother had deemed her unworthy. 

Shaurya winced realising how hard Mehek will be hit. Nandita made a strategical announcement to gain favour of her shareholders. They will definitely prefer successful Shaurya over inexperienced Mehek. But it will be a huge blow for her. He had to make amends; quickly & effectively. He can fathom wheels turning in Mehek's mind; painting him as a vicious opportunist who used her to gain control over Maan empire. He had least expected Mehek in today's meeting. He wanted to explain everything to her in peace by end of the day when they were alone but her sudden arrival disrupted his plans.

Meeting adjourned. Commotion started in the room when people started to leave whereas some stayed back to converse. While many moved to felicitate Shaurya. He responded curtly, still discreetly trying to reach Mehek's side as quickly as possible. "Mehek..", he called her name softly and moved his hand to touch her. 'Slap'  His cheek stung with sharp pain as her palm fell forcefully on him. All of a sudden, the room became silent. Many were shocked, few pitied him and others mocked him with their faint smiles. His eyes shone with unshed tears. He was hurt by her impulse action but above all his ego was bruised due to the embarrassment he suffered at his wife's hand, amidst the crowd. 

"Mehek, behave", Nandita quickly came to her side, reprimanding her daughter. "You were right", Mehek looked at her mother with contempt, "everyone has their own motives. Selfish scheming Snakes". "Don't make a mockery of yourself", Nandita looked around feeling judging eyes on them, "please excuse us". Most of them were polite enough to leave silently, giving privacy to the family to deal with their domestic issues.

Sanjay grinned viciously , feeling glad that Maan family was at loss even after winning the game. "Sweety, you should have known your worth when Reyansh left you", he tried to add fuel to Mehek's fury, "even in your mother's eye, you are not a worthy successor". Nandita and Shaurya were at the end of their patience. They expected Mehek to give him an earful but she remained silent. Her lack of response encouraged Sanjay to hurl more insults, "A piece of advice. I will give you for free. Keep your new husband happy. You know by playing a good wife and soon bearing him an heir. Have some extras kids also, just in case. Perhaps then he may deem you worthy as their mother", he smiled wickedly, "Just like your grandmother, you will be a great trophy wife". "Out", it was Nandita who lost her cool when he openly disgraced her late mother-in-law. Sanjay exited happily satisfied that he had the last laugh.

Mehek rushed out of the room. Shaurya remained rooted to his position, making Nandita wonder, "Aren't you supposed to go behind your wife and pacify her? She deserves your explanation". He rubbed her cheek, recalling shame Mehek slammed on him, "Let her be on her own. If she comes back on her own then it will be good for her, else I am not running behind anyone". Nandita exhaled in distress, "Don't be childish, Mr. Ahlawat. Act a bit mature. You should take care of her. She is stubborn and impulsive". "In short a spoilt brat. You did a fine job as her mother", he taunted before leaving her baffled, "I am not going to spoil her more".

Mehek needed answers. She wished to know the truth. Still more than explanation, she needed consolation and support. She was back to square one, without a family to back her. As usual, she dashed to her trustworthy friend, Sonal. Mehek was done waiting for her to call, so she rushed to her apartment. She banged on her door multiple times while sniffing and trying best not to break before she opens the door. But nothing prepared her for devastation that awaited behind the door. 

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