17. A Dewy Nest

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"What you are looking for?", Shaurya asked curiously. Their tickets were already booked as per schedule so he wondered what Mehek was seeking over internet. In couple of days, they will be flying back. Back of his mind he didn't want their getaway to end. At the same time, he couldn't wait to start his new life with Mehek. He have planned a lot to surprise his wife. 

In the beginning, Shaurya didn't correct Mehek when she had made her assumption. Mainly because he wanted to avoid any trouble if the pompous heiress makes plans to exploit him. Later, as they started to feel for one another, he wanted to test her. When he realised that Mehek doesn't care about wealth and luxury, he had already reached a point where he enjoyed her care for a middle class husband. Infact, when he resided at Ahlawat house, he was indeed a common man. He always forgo his billionaire image whenever he arrived at his home. His mother also preferred him as her little boy. A reason why she never boasts or even refer about his fame & wealth whenever he resided at Ahlawat house.

Now married life was turning blissful for the couple, but at the same time making it difficult for Shaurya to reveal his identity to his wife. He knew that she will be hurt and feel betrayed. She is so impulsive that she may create a havoc before seeing his point of view. She will need ample space & time to understand and accept his truth. A reason why she needs to be isolated from his mother. In their own personal space, Mehek can stay mad at him as long as she wants. So he decided to keep her in dark for few more days, until they travelled back. Besides, he was planning to reveal his truth as splendid surprise for Mehek, in hope that the grand gesture will make her cool down, after she blasts him left, right & center.

"I am looking for an affordable home for us, Dummy", Mehek answered. Shaurya became a bit restless since a sharp pang of guilt pricked his conscience. She is still unknown about his true identity. His wife still believes that Shaurya is a mere employee of Vivaan Kapoor rather than his successful partner. His own mansion with all luxuries is waiting for her to reign over it while she was hunting for a cheap house. Still it warmed his heart when his spoilt wife was looking for a  house to make their own nest. He nudged playfully into her ear. "You are tickling me", she rebuked playfully while he went on to hear her laughter.

"Why are so worried about it now?", Shaurya tried to slide it, "we will have plenty of time". "I don't want to stay in that place where you had kept Pranati", Mehek pouted. "Ofcourse not", he retorted, "I have already given it up", he held her hand softly, "Vivaan has arranged for our stay in a honeymoon suite in one of the hotels. We can enjoy our time there". Mehek giggled when he rubbed his stubble on her neck, "How long will we stay there? ". "We can stay there as long as we want. Vivaan won't mind", he went on nibbling her skin. 

Sensing that her husband has other intentions rather than helping her to choose ,Mehek rebuked him, "Shaurya, focus. We can't stay in hotel for long". She made him look into the options, she has shortlisted, "We need to build our home. Pick few from these". He checked them with disinterest but quickly asked her, "Will you be happy to be cooped up in a tiny apartment? Won't my princess miss her castle?". Although he knew she was trying to find a home in his budget, still he wanted to know her mind. He regretted as soon as sadness covered her eyes.

"My castle?", Mehek exhaled, "more like a golden aviary. I am sure to never miss it". Shaurya quickly side hugged her.  She continued pouring her heart out, "I never felt home there. The care & protection I felt with you and Resmi Ma is so novel for me, Shaurya". "I am sorry", he regretted opening her old wounds, "I didn't mean to upset you". "It's okay", she calmed him, "Walls and spaces won't create a home, Shaurya. It's the people who dwell in it that makes it a home. Else it is just a building". He kissed her forehead while making a mental note to ensure that Mehek feels at home in his mansion. He will fill each & every corner of their home with love & care.

"Let's start with a small rented apartment ", Mehek quickly went back to deciding the house, "Soon my dream project will also be full swing. Then I will be able to proudly call myself an  independent successful entrepreneur. Then I won't be leaning on my mother's support", she explained it excitedly, "By then, I am sure you will do great in your job. Once we are stable, we will go for a better  and bigger house". He agreed, trying again to get cozy with her, "more rooms for more members, with tiny feet and cute faces". She didn't deny him but reciprocated coyly, "few like you and few like me". 

Shaurya closed the computer, moving closer to Mehek. He tried to kiss her but she stopped him, "but all in time, Shaurya". When he looked at her wearily, she added, "I want to make my career, Shaurya. Hope you understand". He pulled her hand and kissed her fingers, "Trust me. I do, Darling. I will always support you to achieve your dreams while stocking varieties of cond*ms, until you are ready". She laughed while blushing, hearing his words that were minced facts with humor. Before they could converse further, his phone rang.

"Tell me, Vivaan", Shaurya attended the call cheerfully but soon the news Vivaan shared made him anxious. He quickly excused himself and walked away from Mehek. "Is it true? How serious is it?", Shaurya asked him. "Got from our reliable sources. And it is pretty serious", Vivaan informed, " what do you think we should do?". "Go ahead and do whatever it is needed to tackle the situation. I trust you can handle until I am back. Mehek will suspect if I rush back without her". "Don't worry, I will handle", he calmed Shaurya, "Let's hope it will be better once you land here".

"All okay, Shaurya?", Mehek asked him anxiously when he walked back. "Some trouble at work", he told her half-truth, "perhaps we may have to prepone our return a bit". "It's okay", she consoled him, "Don't worry. It will be fine". She cupped his face while he smiled feeling her care, "I feel better when you are with me". "I will be there with you always", she pacified him. After thinking for a moment, she added nervously, "If you want, I can ask my mother for help". Shaurya smiled and shook his head. He knew how tough it is for Mehek to ask favour from her mother. It was evident that she was willing to go any lengths to aid him. "It won't be needed, Darling", he assured her, "Just know that I will try my best to keep things afloat". "I know", she embraced him, "I trust you will do well". She rubbed his back, trying to comfort him

Next days, Mehek saw Shaurya in a different light. He was in his professional avatar. She witnessed him working diligently to solve whatever issue Mr. Kapoor has informed him. She was in awe as notice the way he handles his work. He was methodical and relentless. However, even amidst the hectic work schedule, he found time for his wife and his mother. He never to failed to reassure Resmi with a smile or wink at Mehek conveying that he is successfully tackling the adversity. 

Mehek too tried to play her part of a supportive wife. She took care of their return trip and entire packing while spending ample time with Resmi. She ensured that Shaurya doesn't neglect his diet or sleep while locking himself in his father's study. Days passed, finally it was time for them to return. Their flights were scheduled for next day's departure.

Mehek spend entire day with Resmi. In short time, she had become a motherly figure for Mehek. It was difficult for both ladies to part but they knew it was inevitable. Until late night, Mehek chatted with Resmi.  After tucking her mother-in-law in bed, Mehek came near Shaurya. "You need to sleep", she massaged his shoulder. "One last call and I will be done", he pecked her lips, "you go ahead. I will join in some time". She sighed, knowing that he will not relent. Once she left, Shaurya quickly locked the door. He ensured she was not near, before making the call. An elegant female voice greeted him from other side, "Hello, Mr. Ahlawat. I was waiting for your call". He took a deep breath before speaking, "I was also eager to talk to you, Mrs. Nandita Maan"

Mehek was getting ready for bed. Casually she glanced at her mobile scree. A picture of house which she wanted to rent out flashed on it. She was sad but it needs to wait. Shaurya was under so much pressure that she decided not to add to his woes. For the time being, they will stay at a hotel until he manages to tackle issues at work. "In time", she exhaled and removed the picture from her phone.  

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