2.Not Good Enough

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Shaurya and Vivaan arrived at the venue. Former was beaming with happiness owing to his big day while latter was eager to check whether the arrangements he made was flawless. Vivaan didn't have to sweat much because bride & groom had chosen the most simple set up for their wedding. 

Shaurya was finding hard to contain his excitement. Few signatures and paperwork, then Pranati would be his legally wedded wife. Pranati, his childhood sweetheart Pranati.

They were best friends from childhood. For long, Shaurya had feelings for Pranati. But he was too shy to express his love for her. She was epitome of beauty & confidence while he just an ordinary shy nerd. When he went abroad for further studies, he promised himself to become a man to be worthy of her. In few years, he made a name for himself. He became one of the successful young entrepreneurs. Even when his life changed, Pranati remained as hidden desire in his heart. She remained as his close friend, but he wanted more. He wished to make her Queen of his heart. 

Shaurya was disappointed when he was unable to fine Pranati when he returned. He has come back wealthy & successful, with intention to ask her hand in marriage but in vain. Her parents seemed to have disowned her owing to the choices she had made. A few of those even made him sad. 

Pranati has moved away from their home town to pursue studies in arts despite protests of her family. They could still live with her stubborness. But it was her decision to be in a live-in relationship with a college mate that made them furious. Shaurya was saddened to realise that the woman he loves was already in a relationship with anothe man. Yet he wanted to meet her once to wish her well.

Shaurya used his resources to track her down. He was shocked to find Pranati in dire situation. Her wimpy boyfriend left her on slight provocation, leaving her alone to fend for herself in a vindicative world. Without proper education or an earning job, she was in deep trouble when he found her. None were surprised when he gave her abode. He immediately informed her parents. They sympathized with her state but blamed her foolishness. Inspite of her pitiful state, they were unable to take her back, fearing society.

"I will marry you", Shaurya proposed her. Pranati denied since she didn't want his pityful sacrifice. But he revealed his truth that he was  always in love with her since days he could remember. Perhaps his selfless love or her misfortunes, finally she agreed to marry him. Shaurya and Vivaan have been running around for last two days to arrange everything. Shaurya wanted to give Pranati a dream wedding but she wished to have a simple court marriage. At the end, they agreed to come midway. 

The official was summoned to a beautifully decorated venue where bride and groom will sign documents before witnesses. Shaurya's family was just his mother who already considered Pranati as her own daughter. Unfortunately his mother was unable to come in short time. But she urged them to get married soon rather than waiting for her arrival. Pranati's family gave their blessings for the sake of Shaurya but still didn't come. So finally it was just Vivaan and a friend of Pranati who were part of their wedding, apart from the groom & bride

Pranati didn't expresses any wishes about the wedding. If not for Shaurya, she would have come dressed in casuals. Knowing her inclination towards white, Shaurya had picked up colour coordinated attires for the function. Couple of days prior to their wedding, he gave her attire as a surprise gift. "Shaurya, you don't have to", Pranati touched the tender fabric of her bridal wear when he brought it for her, "I feel I am taking advantage of your kind nature". "Pranati, please don't say like that", he rebuked her affectionately, "This is nothing. If you have asked, I would have arranged a grand wedding". 

Shaurya wiped those tears which escaped, despite galliant efforts of Pranati to remain unmoved. She blinked her eyelids to hold her emotions but failed. "You deserve a perfect woman , my friend", she sobbed, "not a broken one like me". "I only want you", he cupped her face, "I love you. Only you". His eyes darted from her teary eyes to her lips. He bend to capture them but she moved away swiftly denying him the pleasure to kiss her. 

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