26. After Autumn then Spring

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"How was the shopping trip?", Shauyra asked enthusiastically as Mehek and Resmi entered. "It was fun", Resmi replied, "I got so many stuffs", she showed off the packets. Mehek smiled seeing her enthusiasm. Sensing her silence, he got wary. It's been few days since their showdown. They had decided to take it slow & steady. He had given his credit card to Mehek for shopping. He hoped she will use it to buy something for herself along with shopping for his mother. If not, it is a clear rejection that she had not forgiven him. 

"What about you, Mehek?", Shaurya asked, trying hard to hide his nervousness. "I got some stuffs too, Shaurya", she replied keeping her smile intact. He relaxed, letting out a deep breath. "Coffee?", he offered the ladies who were tired after an entire day of hoping from one shop to another. "We would love to", Resmi spoke vehemently earning a bright smile from him.

While Resmi and Mehek were discussing animatedly about the stuffs they bought today, Shaurya was contemplating his next move. He wanted to take Mehek on a date. Apart from hospital visits to see Sonal, they never went out. Infact, Mehek has been always feigning tiredness to go out. But today his mother insisted, making her to agree. He decided to take his chance. "Shall we go out for dinner tonight?", he asked softly as if it was meant for both ladies.

 While Resmi suppressed her smile, Mehek seemed to be wary to answer. "I know a good place which will be perfect. Good food, nice music and lovely ambience", he coaxed. "I am so tired to go out", Resmi raised her hands, "I will reheat the pizza left overs we packed from lunch", she lifted the takeaway package. "Ma is right. Let's stay home to rest", Mehek spoke, shooting down his offer. His face fell but his mother soon came for his rescue. "Nonsense, Mehek. You sound like an old lady. Go out and enjoy". "But Ma..", Mehek didn't want to leave her alone. "I will have a quiet evening with my favourite show & pizza. Don't worry about me", she assured, "I will be fine".

Mehek shrugged her shoulders before nodding. Shaurya was beyond joyful. Resmi looked at him with squinted eyes clearly giving you-owe-me signal. He smiled at her like a teenage boy who got his first date with help of his mommy dearest. "Mehek, it will a perfect occasion to wear that dress we bought today", Resmi suggested. Mehek nodded timidly while her Mother-in-law mouthed to Shaurya, "You will love it". He couldn't hold back his excitement, "Shall we leave in couple of hours?". "I guess it will be enough for Mehek to get ready", Resmi cheered her, "And you too my dear", she made fun of her son.

"You look great", Shaurya complimented Mehek as they waited for their order to arrive. She smiled shyly after politely accepting his praise. He was hoping she will like the place he had selected. Mehek used to love their adventure outing and street food take aways when they were at Ahlawat Bungalow. Tonight, he chose the a posh restaurant considering the ambience and her preference of food. Yet he was nervous. Being an heiress, she may gone to better places even when she was a toddler. 

"Hope you like the place", Shaurya asked nervously. "It's nice", Mehek appreciated his efforts, "Apt decor. Peaceful surroundings". "How about food?", he was eager for her approval. "It is good", she spoke the truth, "But nothing can beat the cheesy noodles we used to have from the food truck near your home". "Our home, Mehek", he softly touched her hand kept on the table, hoping that she won't retrieve. She didn't but nodded to his correction and spoke softly, "Our home". Soon they both recounted how they used to hog on the most unhealthy but tastiest food from streets while they were at Ahlawat bungalow. They laughed, spoke loud and even clapped without care. The sophisticated crowd around looked at them disapprovingly. She didn't notice while he didn't care. They were too happy having a good time in each other's company.

"You look beautiful", Shaurya praised her again. "You said that already", being shy, Mehek checked her dress once again, "the dress is actually Ma's choice". "I didn't mean the dress this time", he explained himself, "your laughter. The happiness playing in your eyes", he boldly told her the truth, "I missed this side of yours". "I missed you too", she intertwined her fingers with his, "I don't want to lose you". "Me neither", he held firmly, "what we share is precious, Mehek. I will be shattered if you leave me", he looked down guiltily, "It's all my fault". "I am to be blamed too. I should have tried to understand your perception , she pulled out her hand from his hold while taking a deep breath, "I am sorry for slapping you. It was unjustifiable. I hope you can forgive me". "Mehek, please don't embarrass me. I have done worse. I should be the one seeking forgiveness from you", he apologised as well.

Mehek left their table, walking towards nearby open area as if to catch some air. In truth, her mind was in turmoil. It was difficult for her to forgive Shaurya so she understood it will be the same for him also. They can bury the hatchet and move on, yet an ugly mark will be left on their hearts. Soon she felt his presence behind. "It is difficult to forget & forgive", she accepted, "however hard you try to hide, it is same for you too, Shaurya". He agreed, "but we love each other, Mehek. Don't we deserve a chance?", he asked eagerly. Her eyes were brimmed with tears, "we do". Her words brought him solace but before he could speak she added, "But we need time. To understand, to trust and to communicate". He agreed, "we will work on our relationship, Mehek. I promise". She embraced him,"I promise too".

"Would you mind to take professional help?", Shaurya suggested Mehek. She thought about it for a while. Although she was bit skeptical to share their personal affair to a complete stranger, going for marriage counselling is a good move. "Are we that bad?", she humoured, making him smile. "Not at all", he reassured, "But I believe that a qualified professional can help us more", as if reading her thoughts he assured, "it will be discreet". "May be you are right", she agreed, "I will think about it". He rubbed her hands to ease her discomfort, "Eventually, it's upon us, Mehek. Many can guide us but we should be the ones working on us. And I believe in us". His words brought smile & confidence to her.

"Good night, Wifey", Shauyra kissed Meek's forehead while intending to leave at the door of her room. "You can come in", she offered shyly, "or if you want, I can move in to your room". "Our room", he corrected her, "I want to. Trust me, I want you desperately. But I will wait. Let us not make haste this time". "Take things slowly", she resonated their resolution. Before he could leave, she quickly kissed his lips, "but not dead slow either". She rushed to her room, murmuring a quick good night to her husband, sparing no explanation to him about her brief display of affection. Shaurya who was flabbergast by her kiss, touched his lips to reassure himself. Soon a smile spread over his lips while reminiscing parting gift bestowed on him by his wife.

Few days later. "What is this?", Mehek asked as Shaurya handed over a thick file to her. "Legacy of Maan family", he spoke smoothly, "I am returning to the rightful owner". "Shaurya, I can't", she tried to refuse and give it back but he stopped her. "I never wanted anything from Maan empire", he clarified again, "I have my own business to handle. All my efforts were for you. It belongs to you, Mehek". "No, it doesn't. You bought it so you are the rightful owner. Even if I let it slide..", she was nervous, "none believes that I could handle Maan empire". 

"Mehek", Shaurya held her hands firmly, "Believe me when I say you can handle it all. I have seen you working. You have skills and talent". "I don't know", she was still diffident, "now when Sonal is also not with me". Shaurya sighed, "I agree that Sonal was your most trusted person who helped you are great deal. But you have to believe in yourself. Besides, Mrs. Maan will be there with you". "Oh! Please", she scoffed when he mentioned her mother. "She will be there, Mehek", he assured her, "even when you thought she was not with you, she was". " Will you be there with me?", she asked as she couldn't believe that her mother will ever be her support. "Ofcourse, I will always be there", he kissed her cheek, "but I am sure you will hardly need me in your work".

Mehek was thoughtful. Shaurya didn't push her because he knew she will make the right decision. "I will agree but on one condition", she told him decisively. As he looked at her curiously, she spoke her mind, "You will be rightful owner until I pay you back, that too with interest". "Mehek...", he was about to refute but she insisted, "Shaurya, that is the right way. If you truly trust me as you have just said, you have to agree". He sighed being unsure so she added, "Above all, the board members will also be happy if you remain as face of management. Appearances do matter. Until they start to trust me as their new lead, you have to be there". He chuckled, "See I told you. Already thinking like a shrewd business woman. It is in your blood". She blushed hearing his praise, still she playfully slapped his arms, earning a sweet yelp from him

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