Chapter one

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CHP: 1
Lilliana Potter.


It was a peaceful day at Hogwarts in 1977.

Children were seated at their respective house table eating among their friends. At the Gryffindor table you could see James Potter stealing glances at the red head beauty, Lily Evans.

Next to him was one of his best friends, Sirius Black, scribbling out a new idea he had for a prank on a piece of parchment.

Across from James sat Peter Pettigrew eating the tower of food that stood atop of his plate.

Next to Peter sat Remus Lupin, silently reading his book and occasionally taking bites out of his chocolate pudding. These four boys would later on be known as the marauders.

All was fine until the doors to the great hall opened and in walked a very unusual group.

The group consisted of Molly and Arthur Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange and her husband, Rudolphus Lestrange and his brother Rabastan Lestrange.

Dumbledore stood from his throne like seat and walked forward.

"Hello guests. May I ask why you are here?" He questioned with a twinkle in his eyes.

"We received a letter requesting us to be here." Bellatrix sneered, if it was at the headmaster or at being ordered around wasn't clear.

Before anyone could say anything there was a small popping sound. Everyone turned towards the sound and saw a letter floating in front of Professor McGonagall.

She read the letter before looking next to her on the table where a stack of DVDs seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

The stern looking Professor looked up and repeated what she had learned from the letter.

"These are of the future. Some people will join us in a while. They claim to be from the future." She stated looking down at the letter once more.

Bellatrix eye twitched thinking they were dragged here for a prank.

She went to say something but there was a flash followed by a loud thud. Everyone turned to the front where there were a bunddle of people on the ground.

All the adults drew their wands and pointed at the group of strangers.

"Get off me!" The scream came from the bunddle and sounded feminine.

"Ow, that's my foot." A yelp came from the group as they tried to stand up.

"Ow, ow, ow. Stop pulling my hair." An agitated yell came from a girl who's hair was caught on a red heads jacket zipper.

"Sorry Mione." The red head apologized with a sheepish smile.

"Can you get off." The question came from a auburn haired girl that was still on the floor with a light blond, almost white, sitting on her stomach.

"Mhmm. No you're quite comfortable." Came the blonde's reply but earning himself a shuff from the auburn haired girl.

Once they were all on their feet they met the piercing gazes of the entire great hall and the tips of a few wands.

"Okay... um did you get our letter?" The same auburn haired girl asked with an awkward smile.

McGonagall skimmed the letter at the bottom and seemed to be counting before lowering her wand and looked at the five strangers.

"Are you the ones from the future?" Inquired McGonagall with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes we are. Sorry for our... entrance." A light brown haired girl stated.

"Could you elaborate on why you are here since the letter did very little of explaining." McGonagall remarked with pursed lips.

The group looked at each other for a bit before the brown haired girl spoke up.

"Well you see the future is a bit-"

"Messed up." The auburn haired girl interrupted the other girl which sent her a pointed look.

"Anyway we thought it best you know what kind of future there is for your kids and yourself. The movies will show you a lot of crazy stuff." She explained.

"Very well we shall watch these movies but before we start, could you introduce yourself." Dumbledore questioned walking forward.

The marauders was making their way through the crowd to get a closer look at what was happening.

"Of course. Um who's gonna start?" The auburn girl questioned turning to the other four.

"Seriously?" The blond inquired raising an eyebrow at the short girl. She just shrugged in reply.

"I will. Hi I'm Hermione Granger. I'm a muggleborn." The light brown haired girl, Hermione introduced herself causing some to sneer at the fact that she's a muggleborn.

Next to her a rather tall boy stepped up. He had dark brown hair and green eyes.

"I'm Neville Longbottom. Pureblood." He spoke catching Alice Fortescue and Frank Longbottoms attention.

They walked to the front of the group that was crowded around the future group.

"Am I correct to assume that Alice and Frank are your parents?" McGonagall inquired with a small almost invisible smile.

"Yes." Neville muttered with a nod.

"I have a son?" Everyone turned to the voice that belonged to Alice. Neville wanted to cry at seeing his parents, young and sane.

"Hi mum, hi dad." Neville greeted them with a small smile.

Alice had speed walked towards him and pulled him in for a hug. After the hug fest with his parents Neville went and stood with his parents.

The red head boy stepped forward and some already had an idea about who's son he was.

"Hey I'm Ron Weasley, pureblood." He said a smile forming when he spotted his parents in the crowed.

Sirius jumped up fist in the air.
"I knew it." He shouted and slowly lowered his hand when he caught McGonagall stern glare.

Unbeknownst to him of the smile that played on his brother's lips, Regulus, at his antiques.

Next up was the blond boy. He had icy blue eyes almost grey and wore a black suit.

"I'm Draco Malfoy, pureblood." He shrugged as if his blood status did not matter at all, which had shocked alot of people considering he's a Malfoy.

Lastly the auburn haired girl stepped up. She had long straight auburn hair, green eyes that had a mix of grey in them. She wore long black leggings, a green sweater and black timber land boots.

"Hello, I'm Lia Potter, halfblood." Lia stated, once theses words reached the marauders James froze.

He had a daughter.

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