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The ballroom was filled with witches and wizards, everyone dressed to impress. Although to the right hand side someone in particular stood out. He wore all black robes, a glass of fire whiskey in hand as he glared at everyone around him.
He was interrupted by little Lia who had noticed the man alone and excused herself from her friends.

"Um Professor Snape." She greeted as she walked up to him a bowl in hand.

"Lilliana, it's wonderful to see you again." Snape informed turning to look at her.

"W- it's-What!?" James splattered in shock. Everyone turned to look at the dark haired wizard who had his mouth hung open.

"Your dad reminds me of Ron." Pansy whisper to Lia.

"We already established Snape and I are on good terms." Lia sighed.

"So I talked to Narcissa before the ball about the buffet. I know nobody sells it at Hogsmeade so I asked Cissa to put it on the list." Lia explained as she brought the plate she was holding up to Severus. There in the small bowl lied blancmango.

The shock was evident as he took the bowl form her.

"You told me once that it was you favorite." Lia trailed off starting to over think.

"Thank you Lilliana." The sincerity could be heard in his voice. Noone has ever done this for him.

"You can call me Lia. It's shorter than Lilliana. My friends started calling me that." Lia informed him excitement clear in her voice, a giddy smile on her face.

"So that's how it got out huh." George asked teasingly.

Fred and George had dubbed Lilliana with the nickname Lia but then it got spread but they came up with new ones as the years passed.

"G and join your friends." Severus smiled down at Lia giving her a small nudge towards said friends.

"Bye Sev." Lia called as she ran toward her friends.

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